Elementary: The start of things to come...

We are fortunate to be able to offer choices to parents when it comes time to start school.  Onekama Elementary continues to offer two separate sections of all day, everyday kindergarten for those children ready to attend all day, as well as the Young Five’s program which meets all day, three days per week.  Placement is determined through the kindergarten interview process with a recommendation made to the parents.  Over the years, we have found that the all day program has provided a strong foundation and has increased the students success as they move into the elementary program.

Each year in our Kindergarten classroom, students have the opportunity to learn the cycle of life of chickens.  Local farmers donate the eggs to the students, the eggs  are candled to verify fertilization, marked with an “X” and an “O” to aid in the chore of turning the eggs twice daily  while in the incubator, monitoring the temperature, keeping track of the incubation days up to the actual hatching of the baby chicks.

Among the wide variety of academic requirements necessary to succeed in the lower elementary classrooms, we also have the ability to introduce enrichment opportunities to shape the entire child.  Music has proven to enhance a child’s learning ability and we firmly believe that by exposing children early on to the wonderful world of music,  improves their chances of continued educational success.


The second graders have the availability of our local newspaper during the English language arts class time.  The local newspaper is delivered weekly to several age levels and students are allowed time to read the newspaper and then discuss current events, the stock market, and the world of advertising.

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http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us Serving Onekama School since 1997