Our Animal Habitat Reports,
page 3

Mikayla reported, "My animal is a Dolpin. A Dolpin is a vertibrae. A dolphin is a carnivore which means it eats meat. A shark and a Pilot whale live with the Dolphin. I made my animals out of Balkiha clay. I put a lot of fish and stickers in it."
Tyler told, "My animal is a water mocason also known as a michigan rattler. This snake is sometimes found on golf courses. This snake is poisnes. It eats lizards, frogs, snake, and other reptiles and amphibians. A wolf, coyatey, owl, skunk and bald eagle will eat it."

Danielle described the habitat of the Harp Seal in great detail. She said, "My habitat is a harp seal. My Dad helped me. It took two big rocks and some styrofome and some blue paint and a box and some little toys. I was excited to read my report."
Amber chose to write about salmon. She said, "My animals is a salmon. My other three animals are small moth bass, crayfish, eggs. My plant is seaweed. The salmon eat other small fish. The salmon life cycle is eggs, elven, fry, fingerling, adult, spawner. I did my habitat on salmon because I knew a lot about them."

Austin enjoyed making his habitat
Emily's animal is a chimpanzee. She wrote, "I told how much it weighs. I spray painted the box green. My animal eats termits, berries and bird eggs. My animal shaps sticks to use as a tool. It sleeps in trees or on the ground."  

need picture of Jami

Jami wrote, "My habitat Ienjoyed working on. The animal I was working on was a wooly monkey. People mostly hunt wooly monkeys for their fur because it is like wool. I used real trees and fake trees. I used all plastic animals. My habitat was in the jungle."
Habitat Page 1

Habitat Page 2

Habitat Page 3 (where you are now)

Habitat Page 4


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Page created November 28, 2002
Additional pictures and reports will be added as they are presented.