Third Grade Animal Habitat Reports,
page 2

Dylan K. says, "I did my report on the great white shark, the preditor of the deep. But before the Great whit and before the dinaurs the sharks there were scarier sharks. Their teeth were huge. But the great whites teeth are way smaller. It was fun making the habitat. My dad did most of the work. My mom bought most of the stuff. It hunts everything it sees. You can see all the kinds of sharks in the ocean."

A group gathers to check Josh's habitat. Josh said, "My report is on pengins. I used a fish bowl to put my report in. If you look near the botom you will see a pengin chasing a squid. I used plastic wrap for the water."
Chance takes the opportunity to show off his alligator. He wrote of his report, "My animals is and alligator. I made it out of clay and paint and weeds. The three animals are catfish. Then one water buffulleaw. The third animal was a turtle. The allegater eats meat. Then the buffulleow is next. The buffulleow eats plants and drinks water."
Jaylee wrote about her report saying, "My habitat was a poler bear. The other animals were one walrus, two seals and two poler bears. My habitat is made out of styrafoam and paper. I was kind of nervous when I was reading but then I got over it. I had seawead on the bottom of my habitat."
Tanner took time to tell about his Vampire Bats. He wrote, "My animal is a bat. Me and my cousin did it all my mysalf. We made a cave. It took a day. It was hard. We did not have water. We used rocks. We used a big, cow, and horse."
Lindsay looked up the Puffin and found a great deal of information. She wrote of her project, "My animal is a puffin. I made my habitat out of a fish bowl. Puffins eat fish and other animals. Puffins are a kind of bird. Puffins can flot on the top of the water like ducks. Puffins have webbed feed like most birds that go in th water. I put pine branches for my plants. Puffins have one egg at a time. I used shome shiny paper for my water. I had lots of fun making my habitat. I made a seagull, seal, and fish. My mom and my Brother helped me make my habitat. I made my puffins out of clay."
Justin was just amazed by all he learned when he studied the Shark. He wrote, "My project is on sharks. My dad did most. I painted it. Sharks eat meat. I had a real shark in my habitat. In my habitat I had real shells and seaweed. It had pictures of sharks. There was real sand. Sharks live in the bottom of the ocean."
Katie wrote, "My animle that I studied was a brown bear. What kind of plants I had? I had grass, leaves, and fruit, and one tree. My habitat was made of a box. I felt enbarrassed reading in front of my class."

Alicia wrote, "I studied a gorilla. They live in Aferca. They eat bannas and bark and buds. Orther animals that live with it are chpanzees, monkeys, elphints. Pople try to shoot gorillas. Some have black hair and some have white."



King Cobra

The King Cobra lives in Malasia, India, Africa and China. The female lays it's eggs in a next she builds out of leaf litter. It lays between 20-40 eggs. The hatchlings emerge loaded with poison.

The King Cobra protects itself by biting and spitting venom. The adult king cobra produces enough venom to kill a full grown elephant. It is a carnivore and eats mice, rats, snakes, lizerds, birds, frogs and fish.

The king cobra has scales covering it's skin and looks shiny but is dry to touch. Adults are yellow, green, brown or black with a light yellow or cream colored throat.

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Page created November 28, 2002
Additional pictures and reports will be added as they are presented.