Mrs. Bennett's Grade 4 students downloaded these photos from the Onekama School Website. They pasted the photos into a Google document and wrote about the event.  Page 2

    My brother Jon is playing a basketball game at Bear Lake. It was the 5th game. When I got there I sat down by my dad. Then I saw my mom at the door. So I ran down to her so I could give her a hug. Then I saw my friends. After that I went to the top of the bleatchers. Then I went and watched the game. What I did during the game was play on the bleatchers. When we where done playing for just a little bit I watched the rest of the game. At the end of the game the score was 27 to 25. We just need one more hoop. That was when my brother almost won his game. ~by Ella

In my school we were making simple machines .I am doing my simple machine for one of my teachers. It was a good day for me because a lot of people liked my simple machine. My truck it is made of a shoe box and tuna cans and a pan. I am showing my simple machine to my class. We show our simple machine in the library. After that we took our simple machine home. It was fun making simple machines. ~by Caden

    We had blue and gold day at our school in Onekama. We had spirit week. On Monday it was pajama day.  On Tuesday it was inside out day and Wednesday it was hat day.  On Thursday it was sport day and last but not least as you can see it was blue and gold day. On blue and gold day we went to the gym for a pep asemmly. We saw our football team then they came out in dress and the whole school started to laugh. We also did different games in the gym. It was pretty cool. I had a great time at blue and gold day with my friends. I love when my school has blue and gold day. By the way our football team won the big game. I can not wait in till  the next blue and gold day. ~by Hanna


White Pine Village was a blast. Back then when there was no cars. Inside the houses there were no phones. There were clocks there and a potafits and a hardware store. There was this goy that mad syrup aoote afve corn. Dalron and me and my mom had ice cream. We went to the gift shop I got sapeing. Then it was time to go. Then ever one got on the bus. We got back to school. Then I went home. ~by Blake      

    White Pine Village was a blast! We went there on a field trip. There was a schoolhouse there. So we got to experience what it was like in a old-time schoolhouse. There were punishments for things such as a dunce cap. If you were caught writing with your left hand, drawing pictures on your chalkboard slate, you would get punished. There was even a hay ride at White Pine Village. At one part of the hay ride, it felt as if you were being tipped backward! At another part, we went by an old-time baseball field. It looked fun to play on, but we didn’t. White Pine Village was one of the best field trips I have ever had.


Portagers go pink day was fun. We were going to go for a walk for breast cancer but it was raining out side. We all wanted to go out side in the rain cool off in sted of staying inside of Onekama school of partagers. I think that we all donated at lest 2.000 dollars for breast cancer this year. This year it was in the gym for the picture and the walk.  The picithor was in our class room witch is Mrs. Benetts by my desk witch was by the computers. Colon, Jackson, Taylor, Traves, and me Zackary. I can’t wait till next year for Portegers go pink day.  ~by Zackary


    This year my best friend and I played Pop Warner Football. This was our first football games of the year. My best friend Luke and I are both #7. The only difference is he plays for the Onekama Portagers and I play for the Manistee Chipewas. I know it’s weird that I go to school in Onekama but I play for Manistee. Both of our first games were in Onekama and we both won. I played the other Onekama Team and he played the other Manistee team. My team won 20-14 his team won 38-7. Good day don’t ya think. I can’t wait for next football season. ~by Taylor B.


I had a blast at our frist feild trip on Oct 6, 2011. When  we got there Mrs. Bennett got off the bus frist and we got off the bus too and Mrs. Bennett was there too. The frist thing we did was to walk. Then my group want to the bathroom. When we was finish all the the class was not their so we went to take a walk. Then we starting the work that Mrs. Bennett give us to do when we did some of the work we want to eat something then we get to work. My group was Keira, mom, Kylie, and Keira too. Then we want to the candy store then we want to the shop store too and we buy staff at that store. When we was finish we did more work then we went to the ice cream store. I can go again.
~ by Griselda

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