Mrs. Bennett's Grade 4 students downloaded these photos from the Onekama School website. They pasted the photos into a Google document and wrote about the event.  Page 1


At Onekama school we had a Portager Go Pink Day. In the picture it is Colin, Zack, Jackson, Taylor and me. All of us just got in our class room from running around the gym for breast cancer. Pretty much the whole school whore pink. The whole school raised a lot of money for breast cancer. All my friends and I tried to wair the most pink on that Friday. The date was September thirty first. The amount of money was two, thousand, two, hundred. This is a day that comes once a year, we help the hospital out by wering pink and raising money. This is a special day because we supported breast cancer. ~by Travis


There was blue and gold day at Onekama Schools, and we are all having a great day. We were all in the gym at a pep asammly and watching Onekama’s School’s football players all in dresses. I though it was really funny. The cheer leaders sang our Football teams fight song, and cheered a lot. When our school has pep asammleys we always have fun. When I’m in the gym on blue and gold day my friends like screaming when our teachers are up. I love watching when our friends go up and played games. ~by Colleen


In school Caden and I were studying our spelling words. We were wearing our Onekama jerseys. Caden is number 16 and I am number 32. We were wearing them for two reasons. Number one it was blue and gold day. Number two we had a game the next day. I think we won that game. It was fun wearing our jerseys.
~by Aaron P.

    This year I played Pop Warner Football. I won my first game. We forgot my brother Jacob. That was the best day of my life. We are at the Onekama field. We won 38-7. I had a 5 yard run it was cool. Then I had a 2 yard run. In the middle of the game I had a tackle. After the game my bother Jacob played. I had the best season of my life. ~ by Lucas

       At my school we had Portagers Go Pink day. We fundraisd over 2,000 dollers. If you go on our school web sight we made a big pink ribbon on the gym floor! Portagers go pink started at 8:00 (when school started) my mom put to pink ribbons on my face and my fingers. After that I want into my class room and took my seat. Than we did the pledge of alegants. Than we headed to the gym almost every one was wearing pink! There was a piece of duke tape other floor. After school that day my mom took us shopping. We met a lady there she said that one of here friends have bras canser. She alos told us she was very proud of us. Then she gave me a hug and left. I felt so good and prowd of my self.  ~by Emma

    My classes Halloween party was a blast! and other classes had a Halloween party. I was a goth for Halloween. My friend Mckenna was a mummy and Zack was a Laywer and Jackson was a foot ball player gorilla. My class had so much fun at are classes Halloween party. We got to play games like twister, sorry, battle ship, Yatzee and we got to eat delious food like pizza, pudding, and candy. We even got to rap are classmates and watch shows like goosebumps. We watch the night of the living dummy and Horrorland it gave me goosebumps. I hope one day we can have  another party like that. That party was amazing! I still can remember it . ~by Shauntelle


This was the time I was at White Pine Village. When I was at White Pine village there were tons of cool facts and there were lots of history. There was a school house and there was a teacher in the school house. My chapron was Shela read and she took us to get popcorn. She took us to get icecream.  I picked vinela icecream and then we went to see a gun smith shop. It was cool we seen a hamer and a shaval to. I had the best time at White Pine village.

At Onekama School, we had a few days that we could help pull weeds and trim branches off over groan plants. My friends Emma and Colleen were they too. We would dump  the wheel-barle in the woods. The pile got pretty big. The wheel- barle got dumped about five time on the second day. On the second day all the kids got to dump the wheel-brale execpt for one. There were six kids there. I think the kid that did not dump it was Mary, I do not if it was her or not because I was not there the whole time. This year it was the frist time they did the playground clean up I think. I think we should do this every year. ~by Sydnee


My first football game was fun. This is Taylor. B and me at Onekama field. We lost against them that day. We had to touch downs. I taculed  their running back. Taylor .B. is a good football player. Taylor .B. is Manistee's quarter back. It was a sunny day. I had a fun day versin Taylor.B.  I love football. ~by Cody



I had a blast at this years Halloween party. we had candy and I never had candy at a party.  My bff was a jene and my other bff was a ded fary. I was a caturena . It was the best Halloween ever. I went trick or treating in Traverse City. Our class played games. It was so much fun. I wish it coulde be Halloween every day. Not for realle though so far it has been the best. I can not wait for Christmas.  I love Halloween. It is my second favorite holiday ever. I can not wait for Halloween next year. ~Keira   

More will be added to this page as some students are not finished with their document.

Web Writing Documents, page 2

Web Writings by Mrs. Eichberger's 4th grade class

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