Science Seekers: Safe Water

I like Science seekers because it is on the labtop computers and it was fun. I learned a lot about water and lead. I also learned about the water table and ground water. We learned about high porosity and low porosity. I wonder where the lead is coming from? That's what we Science Seekers have to learn.


I learned a lot about how water is polluted, and I don't like it! People need to stop polluting because if they don't it poisons the land and goes on to poison the water.

We can stop this, but people have to try. All I ask is that you don't pollute our natural resources. Water, air and land can't take this, and neither can I.

Groundwater Model

I learned how to make a model of how groundwater worked. I also learned what high and low porosity means. I also learned that wells can be very small. My favorite part was holding the well and putting in the water. When we took the water out of our cup there wasn't very much. I am glad we did this experiment.

Today we learned that lead is poisonous. I also learned how ground water travels. It travels in cracks between rocks. My group and I worked pretty well. When we needed help we asked for it. We all took turns putting soil and water in. Jeremy held our well. We took turns draining the well out. I had a lot of fun doing this project. ...Logan

Science Seekers

When I played Science Seekers I learned a lot of lead is polluting the water and a lot of kids could get sick all over the world because of water pollution. It is polluted by the lead coming through the ground and polluting the water because of land fills, or the tannery, or Ed's Gas Station or the Lead Mine.

I found out this information from working with my group. My group was very very consentrated on our project. Our project was to put lats of soil and 4 oz of sand and 3 oz of gravel to make it look like layers. Then we had to get 75 ml of water and put it in like rain. It was a lot of fun to work with my group.

Safe Water

I learned what high and low porous is. We know that the wells can be poluted. I poluted the water in the experiment. Logan poured in the water on the top. We worked in a group of four. Our group didn't care for each other but we still worked together and did the answers too. We would decide on one answer. Logan would work on the computer. We took turns on the experiment. That is how we worked as a group.

How is lead polluting the
Fairview Estates well?

We began our investigation by learning all we could about groundwater on the computer.

Safe Water

The water that we drink is from under ground. We need to keep the water clean because if it gets dirty and we drink it people can get sick. I don't want the water to get nasty because I live out in the country and I drink well water and I don't want to get sick and have to go to the hospitle or have to deal with being sick for a long time. Plus I do not like city water.

This Safe Water thing is really fun, but it is kind of confusing too. It has a lot of things to do with rocks and water. Putting the stones and sands and stuff in the grid was fun. The people in my group learned about the layers of soil and how water goes throw it. I think that expirement was fun. ...Alan

I learned many different things. One of the things I learned is that rocks can store water. Another thing I learned is that if you get to much lead inside of you, you can get very sick. Our group worked together kind of well. The hardest thing to put in the box grid thing was the soil. One more problem we had was taking turns. Otherwise our group worked very well together. ... Cameron


I learned several things. I learned that high porosity rock has a lot of open spaces for water and low porosity has small spaces for water. Our group learned that ground water is underground. We also learned that saturated means full of water. The CD was full of learning stuff.

Our group did a cool experiment. We put a plastic pipe in and I held it. Shane put grave in. Edgar and Duane put sand it. and I put in the soil.

Science Seekers, page 2

Science Seekers, page 3

I learned that porsity means how much space. I learned that water can sink in the ground. I learned that water can go through gravel. Our group worked pretty hard. Our group took turns putting sand in gravel in and poring the cup. ...Michael M.

Science Seekers, page 2

Science Seekers, page 3

The week of October 20, 2003

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This page was created October 20, 2003