Bird Buddies
"Katie and I made bird feeders for the birds." ...Joseph

"I am thinking the peanut butter is yucky. It smells and feels yucky." ...Becky

"Tara and I made bird feeders out of pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed." ...Annie

"Mat has peanutbutter and bird seed on his fingers." ...Quinn

"Erin is putting up my bird feeder." ...Austin

Our beautiful bird feeder tree is in the Children's Garden by our classroom.

"Me and Mat are making bird feeders. We used peanut butter to stick the birdseed on." ...Quinn

"I made a bird feeder. I put it on the Children's Garden tree." ...Jacob

"I'm making a bird feeder. I'm putting on bird seeds.." ...Nyles

"We made bird feeders for the birds. We put them on the tree." ...Emalee

Mrs. Niederstadt's Main Page
Mrs. McCarthy's Main Page
Computer Buddies

Tree Trimming Buddies

"We were hanging bird feeders on the tree." ...Daniel


Jan. 2002