Reading & Computer Buddies

This school year, Mrs. Niederstadt's first grade class and Mrs. McCarthy's eighth grade Communications class have teamed up as "buddies." Twice a week, we meet with our buddies to participate in a variety of activities. On Mondays, we head to the computer lab.

Eighth graders help their first grade buddies complete typing assignments. We have written and typed poems together, practiced our alphabet, and have read stories and then summarized them. On Wednesdays, the buddies meet in Mrs. Niederstadt or Mrs. McCarthy's classrooms, where we participate in reading activities and artistic adventures. It has been a wonderful experience for both classes, as we have made connections with students in other grades, and we have learned to be mentors and responsible buddies for one another.

"My favorite part was when we went to the first grade classroom and made pictures together out of pasta. Brenen read a story to the class called On Top of Spaghetti." -- Tara Lyman

"My buddy is funny! We have fun telling jokes to each other and playing games on the computer." -- Joey Mitchell

"One day, a group of us got to read stories to the first graders, and then they would switch and go to a different group. That was fun. It is also great that we get to color with them sometimes, because we barely ever get to color in our other classes." --Chris Peplinski

"It is fun to get to work with younger kids, and it is a great part of my week. I get along well with my buddy." -- Jason Marble

"I think it is fun that we go to work with the first grade. We get to do a lot of fun stuff, like read and work on the computers." --Luke Gjestrum

"The best part of being with our buddies is that we get to be like teachers for a little bit, and teach younger students what we know." -- Kayla Goins

"I have two buddies, Austin and Miranda. They are funny and it is nice that they never want me to leave!" -- Erin Wagoner

"Jessa is a great buddy to have. She is very smart, and we enjoy the time we spend together." -- Lacey Kirk

"I like my buddy, Nyles. I have fun making things with him, such as pictures and Christmas ornaments." --Aaron Smith

"Going to the computer lab is the best part of working with our buddies. In the computer lab, we help them learn how to type." --Katie Revolt

"I learn from my buddy every day, and for a little while, I get to be a kid again!" --Cari Howard

"Working with our buddies can sometimes be hard work, because I have to be patient and responsible, but I like my buddy and it is also fun." -- Mat Somero

"My buddy is nice and we get along great. I like working with her because it is neat to help someone who knows less than I do." --Cheyenne Mihalik

Mrs. Niederstadt's Main Page

Mrs. McCarthy's Main Page

Buddies Work on Leaves and Things