Our class did a play called Pecos Bill. Now this kind of play is called a Tall Tale. A Tall Tale is a non-true story that your parents tell you or you read in a book. Tall Tales are usually funny and can be told in lots of different ways. I like tall tales because they're interesting and fun to read. ...Curtiss

"Always assumed I had a tail," says Bill.

In the first scene, Bill is just a young child when he is left behind to be raised by coyotes as his parents head west. In the second scene Bill meets another human. Meeting ChuckWagon Chuck, his new friend, gives Bill his new name. Standing by the Pecos River, Bill becomes Pecos Bill. ...Chelsea

Pecos Bill

Our class did the play of Pecos Bill. We took turns playing the parts. In the start Kayla P. was the Ma, Tim was the Pa, and Kayla B. was the narrator. Pecos Bill was a good man and I knew that he was just a story made up by people to be a Tall Tale. I think we all did a good job working together. ...Isabel

The fifth grade class did a play for the second grade called "Pecos Bill". I had fun being one of the children. I hope we do another play. ....Emily

I played Chuck Wagon Chuck and I helped Pecos Bill get a name and wear clothes. I had fun doing it and it was really cool. ...Jordan

Pecos Bill's Siblings Head West, but he falls out of the wagon and is left behind.

I was Flap Jack in the green coat. In the play I'm kind of the half-witted bandit. My real name is Tyler and I have a very cool teacher. ....Tyler

We did a play for the second grade class. We took turns playing the different parts. In this picture Bill's family ar fording the Pacos River. We are pretending we are in a wagon bouncing along. It was fun. ...Danielle

Coyote Face Paint by Kayla P.

It was funny seeing the costumes. They were helarious! Ha Ha, He He. It was probably the funniest thing we did in reading all year. I like plays because they exprss more. ...Ryan

Do you know what a tall tale is? If not, remember the play we did called Pecos Bill. It is a tall tale because it has things ordinary people can't do like wring the poison out of a snake and turn it into a lasso, or ride a tornado to make it rain. A tall tale is a story that bends the truth a little bit. ...Clinton

The setting of the playis the dry brushy plains of west Texas in the 1840's. I read the tall tale and I thought it was a good story. ...Cari

When we gave the play to the second graders, they loved it. ...Andrea

My class did the play Pecos Bill. Once I played the mother, once I played a cow and once a coyote. I had a lot of fun. In the middle of the play we switched parts. I want to do it again sometime. ....Ginny

I liked doing the play Pecos Bill. I hope that next year and the next year and the next year after that we get to do more fun plays. ....Kayla P.

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