Southwest Asia Region Webquest


Each class will be divided into 4 table groups of 4 to 5 students each.  Each group will select a different country of sufficient size in our region as a focus.   Each group member will have an individual Content responsibility as well as a Group Process role.  Individuals will be held accountable for their own work and behavior, yet will also be responsible to and for other members in their group.

SW Asia: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Palestine (West Bank)                                                

Group Roles

Each member of a group will have one (or more) of these roles.  The group must reach consensus as to who will have each role.  This will be done at the very beginning of the project.  The roles are:


Supports (teaches and helps) group members with the hardware and software involving the making of web pages.  Represents the group in special tech instructions given by the teacher.  Has access to the teacher for tech questions.


Keeps up to date with all available resources; suggests appropriate resources for group members.  Researches and evaluates additional resources and shares them with the teacher.


Represents the group in getting information (or questions and answers) to and from the teacher and other groups.

Task Master

Helps group and members stay on task and productive. 
Takes responsibility for helping solve individual problems.


Helps the group solve interpersonal problems relating to project goals, web page design, decision making, and personal or social concerns.

If there are only four members in your group - one student must take two roles.  Make a list of who has primary responsibility for each role.  Each role should also have a back-up person in case the primary member is unavailable.  Give the teacher a copy of this list and keep a copy for the group.

Content Assignments

Each member of the group is given responsibility for one of the first five categories below regarding their country.   If there are only 4 students, assign the first four topics only.  The group must reach consensus as to who will have each task.  This should be done shortly after group research and discussion is begun - certainly by the end of Day 2.  Changes can be made by unanimous agreement within the group - but no later than Day 5.  Inform the teacher of assignments.

Each person is to research the topic, respond to the guiding questions and design and create a web page presenting significant information that fits in with the overall design of the group's site.
Everyone should information for a data table of relevant and current (2000 or later) information.  Everyone should contribute a summary of a current (last 12 months) related news or feature article.
Student who finish first should work on the Data Table and Current Event Summaries.

I.  The Land

a. Where is the country? (absolute and relative location) 
b. What is the land like? 
c. Are there regional differences? 
d. What physical features or points of interest stand out? 
e. What effect does the climate have? 


II.  The People

Who lives here? 
a. How do the people's way of life compare to ours? 
b. How do people earn a living? 
c. What is the education system like? 
d. What are the ways different groups of people live?  (Groups can be 
based on location, income, ethnic background, religion, gender...) 


III. The Culture 

Find examples in 3-5 areas and explain how the culture is displayed, by considering: 
>Arts & Entertainment:  visual arts,  music, dance, theater, movies, tv, radio 
>Traditions:  religion, holidays, events, language 
>Food, Clothing, Architecture 
>Sports & Recreation 




How does knowing the history of this country contribute to our understanding of what the country is like today? 
a. Make a time line with 6-10 key events. 
b. Pick one event from different periods of time and write a summary paragraph: 
c.  What is the current government structure? 
     What are the political parties? 



1) Famous People OR
2) Places to Visit

1) Famous People
List 5-10 famous people and why they are notable. 
Choose 2 or 3 of these to research and report on: 
     (One who lived before 1900; One who lived after 1950) 
Explain how each reflected or improved the life of the people. 

2) Places to Visit
List 5-10 places to visit.
Say whether they are natural or man made.
Choose 2 or 3 of these to research and report on.
Include background and pictures for each one.


VI.  Data Table - with items for each category:  10 -15 in all

VII.  Current Event Summaries - by each person, in a subject related to their main topic if possible.

VIII. Bibliography - A formal and complete bibliography must be kept and published.

Resources - ALL RESOURCES MUST HAVE FULL REFERENCE INFORMATION, or your page WILL NOT BE published on the World Wide Web!!!  Keep an active on-going list.  You must show this to your Resource Coordinator on request.  Please suggest additional resources to be posted here.

Print Resources - Informational Books, Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Atlases, Magazines, Newspapers

On-Line Resouces -  - Use these links as your primary guide.

Evaluation:  Individual work:  50 points;   Group work:  25 points;   Class work:  25 points.

 Mrs. Ramsey's Homepage for 2006-2007 / Vietnam / India / China / Bangladesh / SriLanka /   Students at Work

January 2007