
This is the flag of the country Vietnam


By, Cody

                 The peoples way of living compare to ours because they all live in a family and house. They also have many different religions. Their life also compares to ours because they have to work to get their money. Some of their religions are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, Cao Dai, Hoa, Hao, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism, and some animism. Their official language is Vietnamese. They also have other languages such as English, Some French, Chinese, and Khmer. They earn a living by harvesting their rice which is by far the leading crop. Some of their other profiting crops are soybeans, tea, bananas, sugar cane, and fish. There are some others too. So, as you can see people usually earn a living by harvesting and raising their crops. Also, their education has developed a high respect. In about 1987 the educational system was based the reforms announced in January 1979 to make education more useful to the economic and social needs. Some of the people in Vietnam live differently because they believe in different ethnic groups and different religions. They also have different beliefs in different things. Some people also more money than other people. They make more money because they have a better education make more money than other people. They make more money because they have a better education more money than other people. They make more money because they have a better education.