NetGap 2001 Main Page NetGap Pre-Training NetGap Sensory Training Coffee Hour Session I NetGap Session 2 & 3 NetGap Session 4 NetGap Final Session

Javier, Miguel work with Mr. Miller Anne and Mr. Hentchel

Ryan and His Grandmother

In the first net gap session we showed the community members how to log in and then get into solitaire and played that for about ten minutes to get them used to the mouse. Then we went into Paint and the community members had to draw apples, oranges, and bananas and showed them some of the tools in Ryan

Michael helps Mrs. Baldaccini

I have been working with Ms. Baldaccini. In our first session, we worked on logging in to these computers and we worked on mouse control by playing solitaire on the computer and using the paint program. We also went over the Microsoft publisher program and used some shortcuts in the program. 

- Michael

I was teaching Mrs. Hughes how to play Solitaire and to use Paint. She liked me helping her with the computer and it was fun. -Zachery 

Evan and TJ work with Mr. Hughes

This is my partner, Mrs. Kody. She is very nice, and I am looking forward to us learning together. Project NetGap is a good way for us to get to know the senior citizen community members. We had a good time helping each other with everything. I can't wait to see what happens next time we get together for this cool project. -Stephanie


Mrs. Cornyea is my partner for net gap. I think this is a really good thing to have because it makes it easier for older people to know how to do stuff on the computers. Mrs. Cornyea says to me that she has grandkids down south and they send her e-mail all the time but she does not know how to write them back. Mrs. Cornyea is a really nice lady.  She knows a lot of stuff about the computer already but she told me that she would need a lot of help on the typing part and the e-mail part. This process helps me learn more on how t is for senior citizens to do  stuff on the computers. And I hope I learn more about my partner and giver her more ideas. -Danielle

I am teaching my Aunt Carol how to use the mouse. We are in Paint and Microsoft Word. I think she is making an apple right now. She is good with the mouse. She won a game of Solitaire, too. -Jared

Tayler and Mrs. Kuiper

I am here with my partner, Mrs. Betty Byro. We were talking about something she did on one computer here that she did not want to happen again. But what we were doing on the computer was showing them how to use the Paint program. She mad all kinds of fruits or other things. We did that to work on their mouse control. What we did on this day was show them how to put their log in name in and log on to the computer. We played solitaire and other games to work on their mouse control. We also showed them that the three boxes on the left hand corner is always there in every program. We showed them what they did. That was about it, and we just talked a little too. It was a lot of Nathan

Last Wednesday we had net gap. It's a program where you teach senior citizens how to use a computer. My student's name is Mrs. Nancy Miller. She was very nice and this was her second year of net gap!

I like this class because you get to be the teacher, and they (community members) get to be your students. It is hard though because keep on wanting to help them and show them everything, but you can't. Mrs. Miller knew what to do on most of the projects, probably because it was her second year. I like doing net gap and I wish we could do it next year! - by Amber

I think the coffee hour was nice. We had hot chocolate and cookies. All the elder people were having lots of fun. I enjoy having my student Mrs. Hilliard. She s very nice to me and other people were Jessica

Mrs. Byro and Nathan