Senior Stephanie

Senior Marlee

Senior Meghan

Senior Veronica



Stephanie, Paige, Alyssa, Olivia, Marlee, Chelsea, Julie, Ronnie, Kelsey, Stacey, Meghan

Tonight we hosted the Walkerville team and lost in three game with the scores: 8-25, 24-26, 20-25.  This was not a good night for us we just couldn't make things work.  Stephanie Ashworth and Chelsea Miller both scored 7 points each for the team.  Stephanie had 1 aces, 23 passes with 8 spikes and 1 kill, she also had 1 tip with 6 assists.  Ronnie scored 2 points with 24 digs, 3 spikes, teams top setter with 25, 6 tips, and 2 assists.  Chelsea had 2 aces with 100% serving record, 14 digs, 6 spikes and 1 tip with 2 assists.  Alyssa Cole and Stacey Keith both added 5 points each.  Alyssa had 3 aces with 19 digs and was the top spiker with 10 and 3 kills.  Stacey had 1 ace, was the top passer with 30 digs, 3 spikes, 8 sets wih 1 tip.  Kelsey Acker scored 4 points with 3 aces, 17 passes, 1 spike and 22 sets with 2 tip and 8 assists.  Julie Schoedel and Meghan Nesburg both added a point and served at 100%, along with Marlee Herkelrath, Paige Rutowski and Olivia Bolthouse also serving at 100%.  Julie added 4 passes and 1 spike, Meghan had 1 ace, 14 digs 4 spikes with 1 kill and 1 assists.  Marlee also had 10 passes, 3 spikes and 1 tip.  Paige added 5 passes, and 1 assists.  This was our last home game of the season.
Onekama High School
Feb. 22, 2007
Photos by Barb