Onekama Athletic Boosters


November 9, 2005

Onekama Consolidated School

7:00 p.m.

Media Center

Members Present: Lynn O’Connor, President; Tom Koon, Vice President; Lanette Keith, Treasurer; Terri Rutowski, Secretary; Missy Miller; Mark Ward; Kathleen Block; Mindy Sedelmaier, Jeri Prielipp, Paula Laws

Non Members Present: Candace Turk, Varsity Girls Basketball Coach

The President called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

There was no official taking of roll, other than the standard sign in sheet. The Minutes from October were presented, however the approval of said minutes was overlooked as the meeting got underway.

Lanette Keith, Treasurer; provided the current General Ledger Report. Mrs. Keith reported that the current balance in the Athletic Booster Fund is $12,174.42; with special mention of three monetary donations by Mrs. Patty Maidens, Mr. Tom Koon, and Mr. Scott Brown since the last meeting. Their generosity is very much appreciated.

There was motion by Tom Koon, supported by Kathleen Block to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Members present.

Dennis Zupin presented the completed 2 out of 4 gymnasium banners to the group. Discussion of where they would be placed followed. Dennis will contact Mr. Brandis about having them hung.

Lynn O’Connor informed the group that the Scholar Athlete awardee decision deadline is this coming Friday. Missy Miller and Mark Ward will be present the medal and certificate to the chosen athletes at next month’s School Board meeting. Lynn O’Connor will confirm placement on the agenda with Mari Manke.

Missy Miller informed the group that she thought it might be better to wait until December to finalize the order for the boys’ elementary basketball uniforms as they haven’t decided who will be coaching the 5th grade as of yet. Agreement amongst the group.

Lynn O’Connor presented a handout with what details were already in the works regarding February’s Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction. General discussion followed.

A motion to give the signed Girl’s Basketball to Candace Turk was made by Terri Rutowski, as we overlooked raffling it during the girls’ regular season. Mark Ward seconded with unanimous support.

Guidelines for a possible Unsung Hero Athlete Recognition Award were discussed by the group. Mr. McKenney and Dennis Zupin put together a criteria/eligibility list for the group to review. Further details and communications will be solicited and brought back to the members for additional discussion. Missy Miller made the motion to include Cheerleading in the eligibility. Seconded by Terri Rutowski.

For the sport program booklet, we will be doing everything in our power to make the printing deadline so that it may be available by the first boys’ home game in December. It was agreed that 300 copies of the 36 page booklet will be available. The cover this year will be printed on white with blue and gold ink, rather than the gold it was printed on last year. For those teams unable to present a team photo, we will attempt to make a snapshot/good luck team page rather than delaying printing. Dennis, Paula and Lynn updated the group of the progress of the booklet to date, along with the advertising secured. Lynn will set up times for team photos to be taken.

A fund request was presented by Lanette Keith on behalf of Duane Keith for the Boys Basketball Program. This request is for 12-18 new basketballs and one locking rack. Estimated pricing for this request is $36 per ball; locking ball rack at $250. The basketball program is willing to do a bottle drive fundraiser or sell spaghetti dinner tickets to offset the cost of these items. Following discussion, the group unanimously approved 6 balls at $36 each and one locking rack (not to exceed $250) for purchase. Lynn will forward the approval to Duane Keith and Mari Manke.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Lynn O’Connor


Future Meeting Dates: (note these are not all the second Wednesday of the month)

  • Weds 12-7-05
  • Weds 1-11-06
  • Weds 2-8-06
  • Thurs 3-9-06
  • Weds 4-12-06
  • TBA May 06