Safety/Vehicle Day 

Before the beach party we had our safety day! My class and I had got to see see police, ambulances, and even semi trucks! I got to go in the semi truck. There was a bed, a television, radio, a mini fridge and a lot more in there. I was very flabbergasted by it all. The next station we got to see a army truck. A man said that it used to work in Iraq but it's now retired and in the back of the truck in could hold over 20 men! Wow that's a lot! Then we went to see the police dog. Sylvia freaked when she saw him. I forgot the dogs name but he was super cute! We went over to the lake police I like to call them. They had one boat that was for the lake and one that was for the river. The last one we went to we learned what to do in an invent of an emergency. I had a fun time! ~Samantha B.

Friday we went on a field trip and got to see and get in a bunch of fire trucks and ambulances and safety trucks . Jay was the only one in our class to get a whistle because he made a rope in a barrel for coast guard. We got to see Mr. Torrey's dog Bunco. When we were done we went to EZ-Mart and we had hotdogs and slushees. Then we went to the beach I had sooooo much fun and I wish I could go again.  ~Carson H

While the safety day was going on there were many safety vehicles. There were boats trucks and cars. There was even a dog! The dog was amazing. He could smell and track things very good. The semi was cool. The guy let us go in. The fire and rescue truck had many tools on it. We got to hold heavy things and try on fire gear. ~Kaitlyn S.

Friday we went to go to this safety thing. We could go with Mrs. Brown or her daughter. All the boys picked Mrs. Brown and all the girls go with her daughter. Their was a dog their and the guy that had the dog said to us that when you run you drop cells and when you run the dog can smell you by your Oder so the dog can smell you and track you down. Another thing we went to was a army truck and the guy said that the army used it but the government was selling it and he bought it and another thing he said was if you put your hands in side the wheel it will brake your fingers. Another station we went to was these people that help people from drowning so their were to sides one of the sides was a rope tip thing and the other side was this tube and the had a little dummy and his name was Oscer. ~Haley G.

One day the class went to see the trucks. We got to go in a truck. We got to see a dog. We got to see a boat too. One of the boats are different. I got to save a person.
~DeeAnn G.


Friday the 25th we went on a field trip and we got to see fire trucks the coast guard and the police department. My grandpa was there with the Deuce and a half. We got to see Mr. Torrey's dog Bunco and Mr. Domres's semi truck. After that we went to EZ-Mart and had drinks and hot dogs.
~Trent E.

On Friday the 25 we saw fire trucks and other vehicles. We also went to buddy reading beach party. my favorite part of safety day was seeing Mr. Torrey's cop dog Bunco. I was the only one in my group to earn a whistle at the coast guard station. There were a lot of other stuff too. I had a lot of fun there. 
~James S.

Onekama Elementary students get up close view of safety vehicles

Posted by Ken Grabowski, Manistee News Advocate
Onekama School, May 25, 2012

Children are very observant in their surroundings and they often see police, fire, rescue and big trucks passing through the area, but the one thing don’t normally get to do is to look at them up close.

Elementary students at Onekama Consolidated Schools were given the opportunity during Safety/Vehicle Day to get an up close and personal look at some of those vehicles and to get an explanation of how they work. What was very educational for the students is it allowed them to hear directly from the people who perform these services and drive these vehicles.

“We brought in people from the community that provide safety, fire, rescue and other services to the children and their families,” said former Onekama Schools teacher Pam Lyman, who organized the event.

Lyman said they have done presentations like this in the past, but it has been a few years. She approached superintendent Kevin Hughes about doing some volunteer work at the school and he was all for the idea of bringing in the vehicles.

“We talked about the big truck day and he said to go for it, so we organized one because it is a good learning experience,” said Lyman. “They see fire trucks on the road, but to get up close is what they really like.”

All of the presenters did a great job in allowing them to see the vehicles and touch some of the equipment. Some of the “equipment” was living and breathing, like Manistee County Sheriff’s Department dog “Benco” who was brought in by Deputy Jason Torrey. Children had the opportunity to do something with Benco that they normally don’t get to do.

“I don’t know if they ever get the chance to get that close to the dog,” said Lyman. “Deputy Torrey shows the kids all the training that they go through and the kids could pet him.”

Children were also given the opportunity to get up on the Onekama Township Fire Department trucks and try on a helmet. They also were given a detailed description of how it works.

“Our fire department has a wonderful source of fire equipment for them view,” said Lyman.

Another very popular stop for the children was at the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Department of Public Safety, where they were allowed to sit on one of their quad rescue units. The smiles were from ear to ear as the children were able to get the feel of what it was like to sit on those units.

Water safety was also a topic of discussion when members of the United States Coast Guard Station Manistee had some fun drills the students could take part in. They had them dividing up into groups and putting on life vests and tossing a life ring for accuracy.

Students also received safety instruction on the water from Manistee County Sheriff Department Marine Officer Steve Block. He showed the students the boat he uses and told them important tips for staying safe on the water.

Others who participated in the event were Rod Exo who brought a Military Deuce M35 A2 vehicle for the children to view, and Team Elmer’s that had a semi tractor vehicle.

“It is just a fun day for the kids to get to see these vehicles up close,” said Lyman.

What it also did was give them a valuable education on how those vehicles and the people who utilize them play an important role in our world.

Posted by Ken Grabowski, Manistee News Advocate


Thank you participants!

Safety Day/Vehicle Day

Manistee County Coast Guard Station

  • John Tribfelner

  • Kenny Mize

  • Quinn Hudson

 Elmer’s Crane & Dozer

  • Karl Domres

Onekama Fire Department

  •  Lawrence Hrachovina

  •  Rob Johnson

  •  Cynthia McKenney

Manistee County Sheriff Department         

  • Steve Block

  • Jason Torrey

Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
   Department of Public Safety

  • Mark Szynski

  • Janelle Cook

Military Deuce M35 A2

  • Rod Exo

Safety/Career/Vehicle Day, page 2

Stopping at EZ-Mart

Reading Buddy Beach Party

Photos from Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bennett
Article by Ken Grabowski, Manistee News Advocate
Event Organizer: Mrs. Pam Lyman

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