Fifth Graders at the Maritime Museum

In Wisconsin we went to Manitowoc. There was a Mueseum there so we went to it. The mueseum was bigger than every one thought. The museum was awesome. It had structures of the Titanic and a lot of other stuff they even had a playroom were you could play with boat and build your own. …Cody

Another thing we did yesterday was go to a boat museum. There we looked at all these model boats and operated the so locks. After that we got to go in a cool World War 2 submarine. It was called the cobia. In the cobia it was very packed. People had to sleep on to of torpedoes. That is what we did on the badger last week. …Jonathan

The Maritime Museum

By Anja

Yesterday we went to the S.S. Badger. My mom came as a chaperone. I think she enjoyed herself, at least I hope she did. It was 4 hours to Wisconsin. When we got there Katlyn and I jumped off the bus and yelled WISCONSON! This was my first time in Wisconsin. There was a very large submarine and museum in Manitowoc Wisconsin. We went and saw them. The Museum was full of good information about the S.S. Badger and other ships. There were small models of the boats. One had a button that you could press to see were the lights were on the boat. I ended up pressing it a lot. In the other part of the museum there was a room of larger models of boats. There was a water expariment room. You could play around with boats, ships, and you could make mazes and currents. There was also a gift shop. I bought a toering, an ear cuff, and torpedo juice which is really root bear. Then we went onto the sub. It was big. The Kitchen was very small though.

We finally returned to the Badger. I sat with my friends and talked, went to the gift shop for the 5th time, went to part of the movie, and ate a sandwich. I had lots of fun. I want to go again some day.

We went to Manituawak Wisconsin. There we went to see the Cobia. The Cobia is a submarine. They also had a museum that you could walk in when you were waiting to go into the sub. In the museum they had a really cool model of a harbor made. They also had a really cool water part where you could put a boat in the water and watch it flow. You could also work the locks. In the submarine it was pretty cool. I liked it but the people really talked a lot. The rest of the sub was cool. That's all that we did on a day on the Badger. …Katie

Aboard the S.S. Badger

Visiting the Cobia

Fifth Grade Homepage 2002-2003 June 6, 2003