Biscuit Making
Then we went to make biscuits. We hade to go behind tables. There were two spuns, three cups and a big bule of flour. The stuff that was in the cup were salt, milk and baking powder. The flour had crisco and lard. Lard means it has fat. ...Alex

Celebrating Pioneer Days

Biscuit Making at
The Math and Science Center


We went to the Math and Science Center yesterday. We made powder Biscuits. We used salt, milk, flour, baking powder, and crisco. We put all the things in the bowl and mixed them up. Then we rolled them out. Next we cut out ours. The they got baked. We made Butter. We used salt, glass jars, a whipping cream. We put the whipping cream in the glass jar and shook it for 30 minutes. We made a school. We used popscicle sticks, cheese clothe, wood, hot glue, rock and wooden dowls. A pioners life is hard because they had to make every thing.

The butter and biscits where good!

When we went to Chittendan the first thing we did was learn how to use the tools. We were in groups of three. We worked on making pioneer homes. Also we cut out windows and doors. For my chimely my group used a milk cartin we gloued little rocks on it so it looked like a chimely. We put bark on our rouf. On the inside my group made a bunk bed also a desk and a little ladder for the bunk bed. Also a fireplase we put roks around it. My group made biskits too we put flour, milk, baking soda and salt. Also we made butter we put milk in a jar and shouk it for a long time and than there was a big yellow butter chunk. The butter and biscits where good! I think a pioneer life is hard because they do not get payed very much. Also the covered wagins whent 10 miles an hour.

At Chittenden
March 2003

at Chittenden Center

Listening and Learning

Yesterday we went to Math and Science Center. When we got there we listid to directions. After that we worked on are bildings. The tools we used were saws, hotglue, razor blades, and rulers. Then we went to make biscuits. We hade to go behind tables. There were two spuns, three cups and a big bule of flour. The stuff that was in the cup were salt, milk and baking powder. The flour had crisco and lard. Lard means it has fat. When we were dun we hade to make butter. When we got are jar it had butter milk, We had to shake it until it truned to butter. After that we had lunch. Then we finished are houses. Then we got on the bus and went home.

Making Things is Fun

Yesterday we went to the math and science center. We made a Pioneer Village. We used bark, pop scickl sticks, cheese cloth, wood, twigs and hot glue. I made a pioneer house. Some people made jails, schools, outhouses, general stores, churches, black smith shops, and stables. Then we made biscuits we made the biscuits out of salt, milk, flour. Than we put in the baking powder than salt after that it was lard finley it was time to roll the biscuit out with a rolling pin. After biscuits we made butter. First we put whipping cream in a glass. Than we mix it for 15 seconds than we pass it to the next person. We half to keep shaking for 30 minutes. I think the pioneers life was difficult because they didn't have cars and they had to make their own butter every day.

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