Reducing Friction
Jake G.

We wanted to see how we can reduce friction. First we took a paperback book and put string through the book. Then we took little weights and put them on the string that was attached to the book. We predicted how many weights it would take then we made observations on how many it took to bring the book to the end of the desk. We had to use 26 weights to move two books. When we used straws as rollers it was a lot easier. It only took 4 weights to move it. I can't wait until the next experiment.

First we got two of the same books. Then we put one book on a string and wrote down predictions on how many washers it will take to pull the book off the table. Then we did it and wrote down the real answer. Then we did it again, except with two books. Then we took one book again and put straws under it to be rollers. That made it have less friction. Without straws there is more friction. I thought this expariment was very cool. ....Sarina

It was a lot of fun doing it because I like to do experiments. I also think it was good because our group got together and did it nicely. I might do it again at home sometime to show my parents when we do in science. ...Lucie

The book without rollers had a better grip on the table and it took more force to pull it across the table. ...Kayleigh

Sometimes you want to reduce friction. Then you use rollers, oil, was, make the surface as smooth as possible. If you want more friction you use sand, or rubber grips or treds. ...Paige

The only part of the experiment that went wrong was that some of the sticky part of the tape turned up and the book got stuck on it. ...Andria

I noticed that when we were doing the two books it took 40 weights, but the problem was the tape was stuck on the book. It was easier when we fixed the tape. It was way easier when we used rollers. ...Jackie

I think it is very cool when we used the rollers. At first the rollers were the wrong way so we had to fix them and then the experiment worked. ...Brenda

I learned that if you didn't have rollers it would have took about twice the amount of weight to pull the book. You can increase friction by putting sand over ice. It helps to reduce friction by waxing your snowboard so you go faster. ...Jake B.

I liked the reducing friction lab. It was really fun putting on weights and placing rollers. I had all my numbers of weights predicted wrong. For one thing, it took a lot more weights than I thought without rollers and it took a lot less with rollers. Now I pretty much know that those books had a lot of friction. ...Gabe D.

We put a string in the book and let the string hang off the desk. Then we put weights on the string to see how many it would take to pull the book. I like the experiment because I did not know a lot about friction and now I do. ...Robyn

I thought the friction experament was fun. Now I know what is a good time to increase friction and when is a good time to reduce friction. It is a good time to increase friction when the roads are icy. ...Aaron F.

I like working in labs where we learn about science. I love science. I learn a lot about stouf like gas and friction. Today we had an experiment about friction. The more friction you have the more force you need to move an object. We had to use washers, books, string, straws and a paper clip in the experiment. ...Zac

I know if you use grease it will have less friction or if you put wheels on it. If you put on sand it will have more friction or rubbery souls on your shoes have more friction. Or you could put more tread on your tires for more friction with the road. ...Ben

I thought less force would be needed with the rollers. About 10 less washers. I was right. ...Chad

I think it will take more force without the rollers. ...Kaylyn


To prepare for this activity, we read pages B 62 - 68 in our Scott Foresman fifth grade science text. The Lab was part of the 2001 Science MEAP.

For more of the fifth grade science activities, check our Science Index page



Fifth Grade Classroom
January 4, 2002

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