Investigating Motion

by Brenna

Last week we did an experiment with motion. We set up some dominoes and we taped a measuring stick to two desks and tied a bobber on it like a pendulum. We swong it at the dominoes and counted how many times it swung back and forth to hit all the dominoes. One of the times we counted to over forty and never hit and we had to do it all over again. It was a lot of fun. I love doing science experiments.

Investigating pendulums

My group did a great job. We tied the bobber [pendulum] on to the string. And tied the string onto the meter stick. And taped the meter stick to the desks. And then we set up some dominoes under the other things. Then we swing the bobber [pendulum] back and forth and back and forth. So it will knock down the dominoes. We had to get it to hit all the dominoes with out it stopping. Then we have to get it to hit all the dominoes so that it goes around one and comes back around and hits it. Our group got this all done we did a great job.


We did an experiment that has to do with motion. First you try to knock all the dominos down. You record how many times it will take you to knock them all down. Then you try to make the bobber go around the dominos and make it hit them on the way bake. You see how many times it takes to knoke all those down. You try to see when it is going the fastest and when it is going the slowest.

Observing Pendulums

In the pendulums experiment we had to knock down the dominoes with a bobber attached to a string. We all took terns knocking them down. It was hard doing it but we all had fun. We didn’t fight at all. We had the bobber for knocking them down. We all knocked them down. It was really fun. I learned that force is used in it to because you push it.


This week the fifth grade classes learned about motion and what it was and how to use it we got to watch movies on it and every thing it was cool and we learned a lot at the same time we were doing some thing fun.

Also we learned the right and wrong ways to use it. So we wouldn’t use it wrong and get in trouble with it.

December 13, 2001

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