Gabe D

Fungus, Yeah it sounds like you want to say yuck! But not all fungus are bad. Some are foods, but some are bad like mold. I saw mold growing on a piece of bread, an apple, a banana, and an orange peel in a jar. It was a project. I could not believe I saw allthat mold! I was recording my sights on paper telling how much mold grew on each peice of food. I kept watching and recording for seven days, and mold was growing day after, day after day.

This is what I saw:

Day 1 No mold on any peice of food. Day 2 Small specks on all foods. Day 3 some mold on Apple. Day 4 some mold on all foods, Day 5 All foods getting moldy,. Day 6 All foods was moldy,.

So Mold was growing on all my foods exept for only a little mold on my apple. I was amazed!

I found out a neat thing, and I am glad I did.

Mean Spirited Behavior Hurts Everyone
by Paige

When someone calls another person names, it hurts that person a lot. And when someone is fighting, someone always gets hurt. Those are things that you shouldn't do to other people. But there are things you can do with that person like playing basketball, tag, and talking with friends. Those are things that people like to do without hurting anyone. It's not nice to tease or hurt anyone of any color or religion. (more articles like this)

New Instruments are Here

The new Instruments are here. I practice ever day. It is pretty fun too. Soon I will start playing it. I will get better and better and better. Then I will play in the band ROM. Then my band teacher will teach us more songs. I will play in front of people. I will play a like a professonal.

New Instruments
By Derek

When I got my saxophone I was very happy. When I picked it up I started playing marry had a little lamb. My mom and dad thought it was awesome. The next day I went to school and played it for the class both Mrs. Eldridge and Mr. Finen thought I was very good. I think our first concert is the day after Halloween. Right now I am trying to learn the notes to my saxophone and so are all the other kids. I wanted to play the flute but I could not play because they said I would need braces. More Instruments

It was fun doing silent reading in the children's garden.

by Raymond

It's only been one month since we started A.R. & I'm already the top-reader. It's hard to believe, but I've read 9 books, yes 9. Everyone else has only read 3 to 4 books though. I like being top-reader. It lets me know I'm good at some things. I think everyone has a talent. Mine, for instance, is reading. Our AR Page

October 4, 2001

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