In science, the third graders have been studying animal habitats.

Each of the students created a habitat project which they presented to the other members of the class.

Here Noelle tells the class about the Killer Whale. Be careful Noelle.

Codyl checks his poster while giving his report on the the dolphin. He doesn't want to forget anything.

Zac's Great Horned Owl display was popular. Here students take a closer look.

Jon wrote his report on the Polar Bear.

James made a display for the Siberian Tiger.

Kylie is proud to share the display she created featuring the Vampire Bat!

Katlyn had fun learning about the Siberian Tiger.

Kevin understood about the beaver's habitat.

Joe is showing a coyote's tail. Very nice display, Joe.

Katie created quite the display featuring the Poison Dart Frog.

Danny is pointing out an interesting part of his Northern Pike display. That looks like a real aquarium, Danny.

Ryan created a place for a mole. Was it under the sand, Ryan?

More Habitat Pictures

Thomas considered the Armadillo an interesting topic.

Ashley and her project

Kailani explained her Arctic Fox project to the class.