100 day of School


Happy 100th day of school! We celebrated this special day on Wednesday, February 10th.
Thomas, James, Alex and Cody used 100 marshmallows and 100 toothpicks to build this wonderful structure.
This is Ashley, Anja, Elizabeth and Jonathan's structure. They even made a blue print first before beginning their project.
Here is everyone doing 100 exercises lead by our fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Brown.
Alex is doing a great job counting along with everyone.
James and Ryan are working hard on their sit ups.
Ashley, Danny and Jonathan are making 100 dots to make a lovely picture.
Josh and Katie are making 100 stamps.
Joe is adding his favorite foods to our "100 favorite foods" list.
Anja, Cody and Alex are counting out 100 peanuts for our 100th day snack.
Jonathan and Elizabeth are counting out 100 M&M's for our snack.