Celebrating 100 Days of School

I was making 100
out of Cheerios

February 2002

Daniel and I were making stars. They had
100 of something you wanted. ...Quinn

Mashall and Mrs. Tolin are making a foot for
the 100 feet center.

I was guessing which one had 100
candies. ...Jacob

I was putting 10 cheerios in a bag. I made a
100 snack. ...Austin O.

I am getting my stuff to put in the bag. I am
making a snack with a 100 things in it. ...Moriah

I am rolling the die and coloring in the
square. ...Daniel

I made a crown. I was eating a special 100th day snack. There were pretzels, peanuts, chocolate chips, M&M's crackers, Cheerios, raisins, Apple Jack cereal, popcorn and marshmallows in it! ...Miranda

Celebrating 100 Days was a lot of fun.

We were making placemats for the 100th day of school. The placemat had to have 10 stamps in each box. ...Jessa & Joseph

Celebrating the first 100 Days was a lot of fun.

Kaylan, Austin O. and Becky were drawing a picture of what they would look like in 100 years.

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