Each year our PTO sponsors a Festival of Trees which features a silent auction at the conclusion of the annual DK-4th grade Christmas Program.All classes pick a theme to follow and make decorations. The fourth grade class chose a rustic theme this year. All the children made one of each of the four different ornaments.

Santa's elves helped serve the punch and cookies


Our rustic tree decorations!

Ms. Swartz directing the singing of Joy To The World My Shoppings Done by the Fourth Graders

Mrs. Niederstadt's First Grade class joined us in making Gingerbread men

Ready for the oven!

Danny and Katie having a good time designing their gingerbread men.

I couldn't wait to eat the men, they smelled soooo good...Justin S.

What do you think Mrs. Brown?...Tayler

Kelli and Elizabeth rolling, patting and shaping their men

Roll-it and pat-it and mark-it with a "G" and put it in the oven for Gus and me...Meghan

Not yet Mrs. Brown it's not finished...Ronnie

Adding flour prevents it from sticking...Hunter


This is sooo much fun, can we make two?...Stephanie, Katherine, Jonathon

Happy with the way the gingerbread men turned out, and ready to eat.


Mrs. Niederstadt helping Josh with the finishing touches, while Justin customizes his own.