Poster by Joel

Air Show Debated

Negative comments from Tara Star, John Sparkel, and Jason Glitter

  • Air Shows are pointless and meaningless
  • You can die or get hurt or even lose an arm
  • They are dangerous to pilots and spectators
  • They're a waste of money and gas
  • It doesn't matter how good you are, you could still crash.
  • No matter how terrific you are, you still can make mistakes

Positive comments from Brenen, Chris and Jessica

  • People like Air Shows.
  • Air Shows make money.
  • There are fun rides.
  • Most of the time there are no disasters.
  • They make history.

Poster by Jake

Air Shows

by Nichole, Emily & Erin

We're in Wisconsin at the Air Show. It's the best air show in the world, but it could be dangerous if you sit too close to the runway. They make mysterious dips, turns, and they might even explode. If they make one wrong move, they will be gone forever! The mystical John Alpho is doing his famous twirly whirley. "Man, it is great". The magical Judy Springer will show her stuff on Wednesday. It will be Judy's best show ever, she says. There are more that we haven't mentioned.

There are about 11,000 people that come every year. There are about 100 people showing their talent to the world.

It will be live on television June 8 at 5:00 PM. We hope you come and enjoy it!

Poster by Cheyenne

Air Show

by Amber, Katie, & Mat

January 15th, 1999, 10 AM Massachusetts, there was an air show. The people who were in it were Mat, Joel, Nichole, Tara, and Joey. They were terrific! They did a figure8, a triple back flip, and the grand fanallie was they spelled HOPE U HAD A GOOD TIME! with their smoke. We interviewed them and they said that they had fun. It was Tara, Joey and Mat's first time out. They said that they were a little scared, but they got through! They said that they would wish they could do it again. There is another show on January 20th in Oklahoma. There is one more person joining the group. Her name is amber. She has been jet-crazy since she was three years of age. On January 20th in Oklahoma she will be seen for the first time ever! She said she will be at little nervous but she thinks she can go through with it. After that there will be five more shows. It was kind of hard to count but by my calculations there were about 60,000 people in the audience. We interviewed people and they called it dazzling and fabulous. Kids say, "It was really cool". That concludes our article on Air Shows.

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