Hi my name is Chris and I'm a fifth grade student. I want a boombox and a cumputer game called Deer Hunter the classic addition. Our family makes Christmas cookies. I think you should do it too. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Hope your Christmas is a hug of a time! Hope you end up smiling like us! Hope all your wishes come true on the remarkable day of Christmas! Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ...KATIE

I hope you have a Merry Christmas with lots of snow and joy. I hope you get lots of presents with toys and clothes. ...Amber S

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Hope you have a very nice holiday and a great New Year! I hope all of your wishes come true. The smell of gingerbread roams through the house. Nothing is stirring not even a mouse. Happy Holidays ...Erin W.

Dustin, we are all going to miss you. You were a great addition to our class.  So we hope you have a really good Christmas in Texas. And we hope Santa gets there. And we hope you have snow! cmiller@manistee-isd.k12.mi.us

This year I turned it around Santa's on my lap, Santa what do you want? Hope you have a very merry Christmas. Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas. I hope every one else has a very merry Christmas with all of their family. So have yourself a very merry Christmas day. ...Love, John

I hope you have a great Christmas season. With joy and Laughter, I hope you have a lot of ginger bread men. Hope you have lots of fun with your family. I wish you a great a cheerful Christmas. I hope you can spent the most cheerful season of the year with your family. ...Love, Nichole

I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope your wish all come true. ...Cody

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. I hope your family gets together and has a good time. I hope you get a lot of presents and Cookies. I hope you have a great holiday and a Happy New year ! ...Kelsey

I got the deer I wanted this year. Have a good Christmas and a happy New Year. ...Jake

Hope you have a great Christmas!! Hope all your wishes come true too. I can't wait chocolate chip cookies. ...From Jason

I want to say Merry Christmas to all the reindeer, elves, Santa Clause and all the people in the world. My name is Joey and I go to Onekama School in Onekama, MI. I'm in fifth grade. We have a duty to go out and protect little kids. It's called PeaceMakers. I go out every other week.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas. I hope you get what you want for Christmas. I hope it is a snowy Christmas this year. Sincerely yours, Christmas wishes, ...Joel

Have a happy Christmas holiday. ...Brandon

I hope you have a great Christmas with your family. ...Emily E

Santa, I hope you have a merry time. I hope the elves are Nice to. I hope you get a lot of sleep because you have to go to a lot of houses. And so l hope your elves are making a lot of toys. And I hope you don't get Dirty going down the chimney. Wish every a merry trimmest Christmas, ...Matthew

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and I love you too. I hope you make cookies and pie. I hope you bye me a big dog sled that says barkstreet boys and one with spicedogs. ...Cheyenne

I hope you have a nice Christmas. Christmas is a holiday for giving. It also is a holiday for thanking. You just don't thank on Thanksgiving but for Christmas too. You have the snow to thank for and the candy canes and so much more! I hope you can get together for the holidays. ...Christmas wishes from Jessica


Have a happy Christmas holiday. ...Luke

We like working together in the computer lab. We are making a hyperstudio project. It's a lot of fun and we learn a lot too. We are making a game for Spanish.

Kelsey & Jessica


Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas. I hope you get to have fun with your family for Christmas. ... Tara

Hi, I'm Brenen and I just love teddy bears. I hope Santa brings me a bunch. Have a happy Christmas!

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night....Chris