We Have Lots of Cheerleaders

Cheerleading is fun when there are lots of cheerleaders. I'm a cheer leader . We have to wear sweatshirts with our names on the back, blue skirts, white shoes, lollypops, and white turtle necks. It's very fun. ... Cheyenne

Cheerleading is really fun!

We do different cheers like, (R-O-W-D-I-E THAT'S THE WAY WE SPELL ROWDIE, ROWDIE LETS GET ROWDIE.) That's one of my favorite cheers. There are lots of 5th Graders. There are Kelsey, Mandie, Chenney, Amber S, Chelsea , Ginny, Andrea, Amber J, and Katie. That's lot of Cheerleaders for 5th graders. There's only three 6th graders. There's Erica, Ashley, and Stacey. They're our head cheerleaders. So that's what our cheerleaders are like. .....Mandie

It was lucky we were all wearing our new cheerleader sweatshirts with our names on the back..

Fifth Grade Page

Science Class Cheerleaders Toast with Concentrated and Dilute Solutions

In science class we made lemonade. There were three kinds of lemonade very sour, or concentrated, normal and there was a really watery flavor that was dilute. The concentrated was my favorite kind. Sometime you should try and make all three kinds of lemonade. When we drank all of it, we recorded it on what kind tasted like what. This project was very fun. All of the kids in my class loved it. ... Tara