This week we finished our relief map project. It took a long time to do our map. We did this because we were studying the U.S.A. Meghan learned that the Appalachian Mountains were on the east side of the U.S.A. Jared learned that the Mississippi is between the Rockies and the Appalachians. Trevor learned that if one river gets polluted all rivers get polluted. Katherine learned how rivers form. We all learned that working in a group is a hard job. ...Katherine, Meghan, Trevor, Jared

My name is Ryan. I worked with Javior, Larrissa, Miguel. We did this relief map for Social Studies. We had fun putting the paper mache on . I learned that the Rockies are in the west and the Appalatians are in the east. I did it from November to now. When it was finished I labeled it and wrote this paragraph. This project made it easier to learn. ...Ryan

Our group finished our U.S.relief map. It was funny because the papemache was very messy. We had fun because it is fun working together. We worked with Zack, Brandon, Kristin and Danielle. We did the project to show the plains, rivers and mountains of the U.S. When we had trouble is when we had to decide who should do what job. We liked it and it was the best thing we have ever done and we would like to do it again. ...Kristin, Danielle, Zack, Brandon

We're working on U.S. land forms. Jesse learned that the Appalachians are round. Nathan W. learned that the Missouri River and the Ohio River meet the Mississippi River, Chris learned that the Mississippi River is the largest river in the U.S.A. Haley learned that the Rocky Mountains are bigger than the Appalachian Mountains and that the Appalachian Mountains are older. It was fun working in a group. I hope we do it again. ...Haley, Chris, Nathan, Jesse

(need paragraph)

This week we got done with the U.S. land forms. It was fun. We all had to do a job. Jake had to paint, Amber had to make signs, Nathan M had to paint and Evan had to tell us where to put the rivers. We all want to do it again. ... Jake, Amber Evan, Nathan M

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