The 1997-1998 Salmon Project

October 8th, the third grade classes took their annual trip to the Manistee River Weir. The children witnessed the Department of Natural Resources team hard at work harvesting salmon eggs. Biologists were also there testing the salmon for bacterial kidney disease. At the end of our visit, we were given approximately 500 salmon eggs to bring back to the classroom to raise in our specially cooled tank. Within a month we had lost about 175 eggs.

The children were very enthusiastic about this project as we began to see development of the eye and spine.

In November the salmon began to hatch.

Here are some comments:

Nick S: I like the eyes --they look cool with the blood veins.

Tayler F: The eye makes you think that they keep on staring at you.

Evan M: I think it is cool how they test them.

Christopher S: I think it's neat that salmon come back to the place where they were born.

Our New Salmon

Amber J.

In the fall of 1997, the 3rd grade classes got salmon eggs for our tank. We had them for a couple of months. Then they all died. Now we got new little salmon from the Platte River Fish Hatchery. We have to feed them special food. We also got a new longer tank for the fish. We have to keep the temperature constant or they will die. ...February 1998

The Third Grade gathered around the salmon
for this fall 1997 photograph.-->

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