Tools ready, Onekama's Kindergarten Classes eagerly  await the "What's in an Owl  Pellet?" project.

Science is really fun!

November 14, 1997

"What did you find?" Mr. Kudlack?

 Wow! We see bones

This is more fun than cooking!

James decides that the bone he has found is from a mouse.

 Mrs. Bromley keeps an eye on the ambitious workers. They certainly look very busy.

Kindergarten students in Mrs. Bromley's class and Mr. Kudlack's class have been studying owls. The children have learned owl poems, made owl puppets, painted owls, wrote about owls, and had owl books read to them . The students even got to dissect actual sterilized owl pellets to see first hand what owls like to eat. The students were so excited about what they learned, they wanted to share their new knowledge. The following are direct quotes from the children about what they have learned about owls:

Ryan C: I learned that owls eat tiny birds.

Thomas K: I learned that owls eat mice.

Danny B: I learned they eat moles, birds, and when they are done, they spit out the bones.

Kailani B: I learned that owls don't eat ants, they eat bigger things.

Ashley H: I liked seeing what owls eat; all the skulls and bones.

Jordan Z: I like how they eat small critters.

Sam G: I learned that owls come out at night.

Gus L: I learned that owls eat insects.

Cody R: I learned that mother owls tear the prey up into pieces for the babies.

Donovan P: Mother owls take food to their babies.

James A: I learned that owls eat mice.

Joe F: The bones go in a ball.

Cody B: Owls spit the pellet out.

Joe K: Owls eat mice.

Noelle H: Owls eat birds.

Jonathan N: Owls learn how to fly when they are only two months old.

Orion N: We found bones in the pellets.

Dalton B: You find things in the pellets.

Ashley S: Owls have babies that hatch from eggs. They feed them mice.

Paul C: Owls eat mice. The mother breaks apart the mice to feed to her babies.

Brandon B: Owl mothers Lay on their eggs before they hatch. The babies learn to catch mice.

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