Dear Tracks,

I like Tracks magazine. My favorite was called "The Bittern Blends In." That's not surprising because my nickname is Tweety.

I'm in fifth grade, and so far we've read three Tracks. I think you are good at making science interesting. The pictures are good. How did you sneak up on the bird pictured in the article on camouflage?


Eleanor V.

(Editor's reply: The photographer probably used a telephoto or zoom lens. These lenses bring the subject closer than it really is.)

Eleanor V, Samantha G. and Jade B with Tracks

Dear Tracks,

Tracks magazines is interesting. My favorite issues are the ones about the deer and birds. I really like to read the magazine. (it also is the best part of science.) The pictures of those animals were really good. I also enjoy learning about these animals. It is good to learn about the animals in your area. The issue that I didn't like was about worms. It is kind of sick how worms have that mucus (did I spell that right?) on them. But in every issue I enjoy the puzzles.


Samantha G.

(Editor's reply: Yes, you spelled mucus correctly. Worms need that mucus so they don't dry out. Worms improve soil quality and make good fish bait. We need worms)

Dear Tracks,

My favorite Tracks is the one about antlered animals. I really enjoyed the first page when you open it. I had no idea that the whitetail deer had four stomachs or that the deer have niches!

I also enjoyed the issue called "The bittern Blends in!" as I like how when the bittern senses danger it looks like a reed blowing in the wind.

I live in the country, so I see a lot of deer. Sometimes I sit in my dad's deer stand just to watch them.

I think people can learn a lot from reading Tracks.


Jade B

Teacher's note:

Track's Editor, Christie Bleck, has been very kind in her responses to the class. We wrote and told her about our HyperStudio Science projects and she sent materials which could be useful in future nature projects.

Read about our Hyper Studio projects

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