I wish I had $100 dollars. One for every day of the school year so far. I would buy 100 ice cream cones for the kids in my class. ... John Y.

I wish I had $100 dollars. I would put it in the bank, then I would cash in my bond, buy another and keep the money I made!!! ...Chris P.

If I had 100 jumbo bottles of mousse I would go to my cousin's house and flood their room. My cousin would like me for the rest of my life. I could get her back for shutting the grand piano when my fingers were under it. I would get her back with 100 bottles of food coloring. But, to my surprise, she had wanted her hair dyed. ...Danielle O.

If I had $100, I would buy 10 puppies. Five puppies would have dots on their noses and five that doesn't matter what they looked like. ...Tara L.

I like the 100th day of school because we get to do different activities that do something with 100. We don't have to do a lot of work. We only have 80 more days until we get out of school. ...Emily B.

I found 100 marbles, some were red, cold and green. Many of those colors I've never seen also made my heart gleen. ...Curtiss O.S.

I wish I had 100 cats. It would be so cool! You would have to buy tons of food for that many cats. There would be a lot of beds and dishes to wash after they eat. .....Jessica K

If I had 100 markers I would draw all over my sister's face. I would give my house some more color. I would draw peace signs on all my walls. Some walls would be blue, some walls would be red. I would color my mother's car bright, bright yellow. If I did that though, my mom would be mad. So I'll just think of what I could do with 100 bottles of paint instead. ....Kayla Bates

I wish I had 100 gas stations and motorcycles. I could ride a motorcycle everyday. When they run on empty, I could get free gas. ...Darrel H.

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