The Fourth Grade has had a great time constructing towers.

"We are the Endo Company. Our budget is $5,000,000 for building supplies. We are trying to build a really strong and tall structure." ...Erin, Ryan, Curtiss, Joey

"Our tower held 129 grams. When it fell, we were putting on a 5 gram weight. We came in first place for our height and weight. One other tower beat us in just the weight category, but it was a short tower" ...Ryan, Joey, Curtiss -->

The Winning Tower

"We are the Smash-n-Go Wreckin Co. We are building a tower for Math. We have a budget and we have to purchase our supplies from the Central Supply Company." .....Clinton, Nate, Nichole, Jordan

"Our Tower was the Grand Weight Winner. It held 398 grams! When we put on the weights we were shaking." >

^ "We are the Bolt Busters Company. We are working on our tower." ...John, Leah, Chris, Joel

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^ "Ours is the Breakdown Company. We are trying to build the tallest and the strongest structure." ...Chelsea, Katie, Andrea, Darrel