Writers' Workshop

The Skeleton

Sara M.

There was once a skeleton. He wanted to be scary. A werewolf helped him to be scary by telling him to scream boo!!! The skeleton scared a kid walking his dog. Then he scared a little girl with her cat and her mom and dad. Then he passed some teenagers, and he scared them away. Then he saw a black cat, and the black cat gave bad luck. When he saw a person he tried to scare him, but it didn’t work. Then everyone that was trick-or-treating went to bed. In the morning the bad luck went away. When he saw the werewolf the skeleton told him the whole thing. Then the were wolf told him again, when he saw a person say BOO!!! The skeleton said, “It works!”

When the skeleton found our there was a new kid, he asked everyone he saw and the skeleton finally saw a boy. The skeleton said to the boy, “Do you know the new girl?” The boy said, “Yes I know the girl.” The skeleton said, “Where does she live?” She lives in the house across the street.” said the boy. “Thank you!” said the skeleton. The skeleton went to the house and scared the whole family. The family moved to a far away place. The skeleton was there before the family got there. They looked around, and they found him all together. They screamed so loud it gave the skeleton a sinus headache. The skeleton said, “Gee can you yell any louder? Well is anybody going to get me a Tylenol?”

Yes I will.

The Lost Lego

Clyve L.

Once there was a boy his name was Joe. He loved Legos. One day he got out of bed and wanted to play with his favorite Lego set, his giant town set. So he went to his dresser, but it wasn’t there! So he asked his mom if she saw it, but she didn’t. So he asked his dad if he saw it. Now Joe was kind of messy, so he didn’t know that he had his set under a lot of clothes, and he didn’t push them out of the way. Well today was Saturday, and he was going to his friend’s house. His friend’s name was Reid. Reid had a lot of awesome Legos. Joe liked them too so they played with them and had fun. But soon it was time for Joe to go home. And that next day he asked his mom if she saw it when he was gone, and she said no and told him to clean his room. He cleaned off his dresser and found it. He went down the staris to tell the good news.


Anna G.

Once there was a moose, a dog, and a mouse. The moose’s name is Horn. The dog’s name is Sam. The mouse’s name is squeak. The mouse was tight rope walking, and the moose didn’t like it. He stood there with the rope on his horns. He had to do something. He tried to wiggle his head back and forth. But it made the mouse better. He tried to bite it but it didn’t work. He tried and tried for days and weeks, and then months and finally years. He had it! I will get the mouse in trouble! Then he will quit and be humiliated.

Finally it was the big day for the mouse. The moose had a plan and it was their turn. The mouse got on the moose. The moose went back and forth and round and round. Then he stood on one foot. The mouse fell. Sam the dog said you’re fired to the mouse. The mouse was humiliated. He thought to himself and said it’s the moose’s fault. It wasn’t fair at all. Sam said to the moose here is your new assistant. Here we go again said Moose.



Go to Writer's Workshop II for more interesting tales.

The Moose

Mara B.

Once upon a time there was a dog named Freckles, a moose named Moose and a mouse named Cande. Cande was practicing tight rope walking. Freckles was scared that he would fall. “Moose put him down he is going to fall,” said Freckles. “I...I...I won’t fall,” said Cande. “Yes you will,” said Freckles. “I’m getting down be patient,” said Cande. “I’m going home I’ll be here tomorrow.”

“I’m back,” said Cande. “Moose let me get on,” said Cande. “I am,” said Moose, “be patient.” “You be patient,” Cande said. You are a good friend to me, but you can’t be bossing me around all the time.

Clyve the Moose

Kelsey A.

Clyve the moose lives in a chicken coop. Clyve said I want to stop laying eggs. I don’t like living in a chicken coop or laying eggs. The moose went out at night. It is spooky out here. The moose’s name is Clyve. Clyve the moose is spooky. Clyve said I need help, help me please! I want to stop laying eggs. please help me somebody. I’m not going to hurt you. That night Clyve the moose saw something shiny. Clyve stopped laying eggs. I’m clyve again. A angel saved my life. Thank you!


Zach Y.

One day John had to eat a tomato. He did not eat it. His mom said eat it but he didn’t. So his mom put him in bed without supper. That night John went to bed and dreamed a tomato grew and grew and grew until he was the biggest tomato in the world.

The tomato went to New York. He smashed cars, trucks, and people everywhere. John was going to New York to catch the tomato. John flew to New York. He saw the tomato and jumped out of the plane on the tomato’s head. The tomato flet something on his head. His big hand came up and grabbed John.

The tomato put him in his mouth and...and...and...ringing...ing..John’s alarm went off.


Michael S.

Once upon a time there was a skeleton named Joe. He was funny and he wanted to be scary. So he went into the woods. He found a little house and he knocked on the door. A little witch opened the door. She said come inside to Joe and Joe went inside. He asked the witch if she could make him scary. She missed a spell to make him scary. She dumped the spell on him. After she dumped the spell on him he was scary. He went back to where he lived and scared all the other skeletons away.

The End


Reid V.

Once upon a time there was a camp. It was haunted. Some kids got lost and saw the camp. They went into a tent. The next day they ate cold food. They decided to go get wood for their fire, but two kids got eaten. The three went back to the camp. They saw bones, human bones, with blood still on them. Two minutes later the third person got eaten. There were only two people left, and they killed the monster. They shot it in the back. The two kids that survived were named Tom and Rambo.

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