The Children
of Room 438

The News From Room 438

Our School Begins in Our Room

Our school begins in our room. Our school begins in our room. Our school begins in our room. It's a very special room.

In our room numbers go up and down. In our room numbers go round and round. In our room numbers go on and on. It's a very special room.

In our room things go up and down. In our room things go round and round. In our room things go upside down. It's a very special room.

We love to "Sing Along with Ella". The song "My Street Begins at My House" has inspired our first grade song writers to create their own version.

We planted our Amaryllis, January 5, 1998 and enjoyed four deep red blooms. Now here is the wonder of it all: this plant has two new stalks and it looks as if these too will have flowers! On February 11, 1998 the tallest was 43 cm. and the shortest was 6 inches.

Our Amaryllis is really growing!

Our Sweet Potato is Growing too!

Visit Our Castle

The Spelling Bee

Our Prize Breakfast

See How We've Grown

100 Days of School

Mrs. Jordan's Class HomePage
was first created in October 1997

It was most recently updated in April of 1998

The Children have been reading stories. They are excited to be able to take tests on the computer using The Accelerated Reader Program.

The children enjoyed all the activities on 100th day.