Field Day 2000
was a great day!

Not too hot

Not to cold

Not too sunny

Not too dark

It was



Field Day is an Elementary tradition. Volunteers help with games. The Lions Club provides food.

Please send your comments about Field Day to Webmaster

We would like to add your thoughts to our web.

From Mrs. Jordan's First Grade:

To the PTO Thank you! I enjoyed the Hot Dog and Pop. ....Zack

Thank you I enjoyed the -----pop and popcorn. ...Jessie.

Thank you. I enjoyed the Pop. .....Tom

Thank you Lions Club. I enjoyed and I liked it very, very much. Shaila and I am 7.

Thanks to the Lions Club everybody had fun. but best of all the hot dogs were free. ....Duane

(The above were typed as written in thank you letters to the PTO and Lion's Club.)

Please send your comments about Field Day to Webmaster , Barb Eldridge