Electrons can rub off an object. That gives it a positive charge. When they rub on something else it gets a negative charge.

If we think really hard I am sure we can find a good use for a balloon. Each group had one balloon and they had to blow it up and see what they could do. ...Ryan

In this picture Jake and Chris are "charging" the balloon with some static electricity. After I took this picture, we bounced our balloon around the room and we even had a contest to see who could pop the balloons first. (No shart objects allowed) ...Tim

In science we studied electricity. Travis, Even and I did a show on what is electricity. We made electrons move. That caused Travis's hair to go up. I really like studying electricity. ...Meghan

Nathan likes making a tower up from the magnet.

Lance, Jesse and I are making electrons move. ...Zach

This is a picture of Nathan and Brandon. I am not in the picture because I was writing what we knew about static electricity. When we rubbed the balloon on our head and then put it near the salt, the salt rose up and stuck to the balloon. ...Danielle

Famous fifth grade page
