So many new science vocabulary words to learn:

I learned about dilute and concentrated. Dilute Kool aid tastes more like water. Concentrated Kool-Aid had more flavor and was sweeter. ....Anne

I think it would dissolve really fast if you boiled the water. ...Nicholas

I think it would dissolve faster if we stirred it. ...Jordan

And don't forget to write down what you learned in your lab report.

I learned that oil doesn't dissolve in water. Pepper doesn't dissolve in water. Sugar and salt dissolve....Ronnie

The girls predicted that when they poured the sugar water through the filter that the sugar would stay in the filter. They learned that sugar does not filter out. It stays in a solution

I learned that some things dissolve and some things don't. I learned that some things are hard to see when they are dissolved. It is like they aren't there, but they are. ...Nathan

Science: Investigating Matter

Procedure: The first thing we did was we dropped the cubes in the water at the same time. Then we timed the rate of dissolving. ....Tim

I learned that hot water dissolved things better than cold water because hot water moves more. I think the sugar cube would dissolve even faster if you had hotter water. ....Kelli

I was wrong when I predicted that the sugar would dissolve faster in cold water. In the hot water all of a sudden it disappeared. It was fun doing the experiment and finding out. ...Jake

Yesterday I learned stuff about suspensions and solutions, solutes and solvents. Now I know that solute is a substance that dissolves in a solvent. A solution is a mixture of molecules made by dissolving one substance in another substance. ...Danielle

I learned that not all things will dissolve and not all things will go through a filter paper. Sugar water goes through a filter. Water with pepper in it doesn't do go through the filter. ...Tayler