Literacy Centers


While I am meeting a group of students for guided reading, the rest of the students work in a variety of literacy centers.


Each week I introduce a few new centers or activities for the students to complete.

Every two days the students rotate to a new set of centers.

Katie and Jake are reading in the library center.

Danny, Lisa, and Brandon are enjoying reading some of the books that the class wrote!

Jordon is working in the word wall center. He is deep in thought trying to think up words that rhyme!

What a great worker!

Katherine and Katie are hard at work in the math center. They are using coin stamps to create a specific amount of money. After they are done stamping, they have to write a sentence about what they would like to buy with that money.

Joe and Ryan are listening to a story on tape as they follow along in the book. After listening, they will write a summary of the story.

Kailani is completing a science investigation sheet. This week the students are observing a fish egg. Next week they will begin taking turns bringing in their own object to observe!

Thomas is working in the computer center. Reader Rabbit is lots of fun!

Cody is working in the writing center. He is using a special pen to write a story in a laminated, wordless picture book.

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