It was a family effort. Both of Becky's parents joined her in donating blood. Good recruiting, Becky!

Mrs. Veryser represented the faculty. Yes, she earned the bravest teacher award.

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The National Honor Society's 1999 Red Cross Blood Drive

There were 51 donors attending the Honor Society's blood drive. 15 were first time donors. The Red Cross collected 48 pints of blood. One pint of blood can save four lives, therefore our collection has the potential of saving 192 lives. Thank you students and community members for supporting the blood drive.

Kirk and Morgan, NHS members, are there to muster support for first time donor Aaron.

Onekama NHS blood drive is unique. Where else can you go to give blood, get a cookie and have your fortune told. All in the spirit of the Halloween theme, "We want Your Blood."

NHS Page