5th Grade Basketball: Portagers vs. Cardinals

November 21 we had a basketball game. We were going against MCE. I was one of the starters and I was a post. MCE got the ball and they made a shot, so they were in the lead for the most part. Then Kelsey got the ball we got 2 points so we were tied. Then the other team got the ball again and made it. Then the other team got the ball again and then Katie stole the and made a lot of shots so we were in the lead. The game was done and we won our last game of this season. The score was 18 to 13. This was our last game. This season was so fun had a blast. We went against MCC, Bear Lake, MCE, Manistee, Trinity, Brethren. We won against Brethren, MCE, MCC, Manistee, and Trinity. We lost against Bear Lake but it was fun with my team mates. This was the funnest season I ever had. ~Haley 45#

That was the best time I've had in a long time. I don't really have fun most of the time but this basketball season made me feel a lot better. I might play next year, for basketball. We got second place. We lost only 2, witch is both Bear-lake team. We won 9 games.
~Jodi #4

We won 18 to 11. This was an amazing year. I want to thank my coaches for there support that they gave me. Also, I want to thank my dad for all he did to make me a better player. I can't wait until next year to play.  
~Chloe #11

For our basketball season we had 11 games. We lost 2 of them. So I think we have a really good record. We won 9 of them. So nine out of eleven I think is a pretty good season. I had a lot of fun learning how to play basketball and there being all those people in the stands cheering our team on. At the beginning I hardly knew the first thing about basketball now it's really fun to go out there and play. We played MCC and Bear lake twice. We played Trinity & Manistee Public once. We played MCE and Bretheran twice.  Amanda #54

We had a lot of fun this season. We won 9 out of the 11 games. The games we lost were against Bear Lake. Our coaches were encouraging to all of us. I can't wait until sixth grade basketball! If we combine all our games together I think we did a great job. All the girls on the team were fun to play with in my opinion. I hope we have the same team as this year even more players. I think these schools were fun to play with..... MCC, Bear Lake, MCE, Brethren, Manistee Public, and Trinity. I wish the season never ended. ~Katie # 30


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