Milky Way Plate Tectonics
By Curtis M.

Today in class we use scrumptious chocolaty mouthwatering tasty yummy milky ways. To demonstrate plate tectonics. It was fun because we squished them and pushed them in. We did that to show our plates. Plate tectonics is a theory about how the continents used to be all together. Then over the years it moved. For magma we used the caramel and cookie stuff but Mrs. Ramsy calls it the nougat. The volcanoes were the spots that were leaking out caramel. The oceanic ridge is where the chocolate split. The chocolate represent the plates. Mountains are were the chocolate came up. Then last but not least the most pleasurable part is when the monstrous alien come to eat the planet it was mouthwatering scrumptious chocolaty and good. It was the most fun way to demonstrate Plate Tectonics.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Bryce R.

          Today we did an experiment with Milky Way choclate bars. What we did is we smashed them together like the plates on earth do. Then we had to watch the magma come out of it. The magma was really Carmel that was inside the Milky Way bar. The plates crashed together and made volcanoes in the bar. After all of that we had to eat them and boy were they good. This experiment was awesome because it was fun and I learned something. The magma came flowing out of the bar just like it would the earth. We had to pretend the bar was the earth, this was such an awesome experiment.

October 25, 2006

Milky Way Plate Tectonics…
Emily C. B.

Today in Geography we used a Milky Way candy bar to represent the Earth and the theory of plate tectonics. When Mrs. Ramsey handed out the candy, we took off the wrappers and began to squish the candy so the chocolate represented tectonic plates. The caramel and nougat was the magma inside the Earth. When the “plates” stretched apart, it created an oceanic ridge. Sometimes the “plates” created a mountain range, or a volcano.
You know, the Earth is more delicious than you think!

 Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Elizabeth B.

Today we had a milky way. It was an example of the earth. We had to crush it so we could find the magma (caramel), mountains (the pushed up chocolate), the plates (chocolate) and the volcanoes (the pushed up chocolate with magma coming out of it). After, we got to eat the Milky Way (the Earth). That was the most interesting experiment I’ve ever done. I want to do this again.

Milkyway Tectonics
Sierra Hull

If you want to make a milkyway tectonic you get a milkyway and you squeeze the sides and the top and the bottom. Then you can see the plant tectonics. The Carmel is the magma. Like if you say a volcano you would see magma coming out. Maybe with your milkyway you could see mountain ranges. It is like eating a volcano, but I never want to try a volcano, but I like eating milkyway volcano.

Milky way plates tectonics
by Joe E.

 To day we made the earth out of a milky way. We had to squish it and twist it to show volcanoes with magma and the ocean pulling it apart. The magma was the Carmel. We did this so we could se haw the plates tectonics work.

Milkyway Plate Tectonics
By Kaylan F.

          Today in class we used yummy, delicious, chewy, gooey, milkyway candy bars to do a project. We pretended that the milkyway was the world and everything inside was the magma. The chocolate on top are the plates. First we had to open the rapper without breaking the world. Then we had to squish it, twist it, and other distortions. We had to find the volcanoes, mountains, and the ocean ridge. At the end big huge monsters ate the world.

Milky Way plate tectonics
by Austin O.

Today I we used milky ways to represent the earth. The caramel was the lava and the nougat was the ocean the chocolate was the plates. Then when we were done with making the earth we got to eat the milky ways and they were really really really delicious and chewy.

Emily B.

Today in class we used Milky Way candy bars to create the world. First we had to smooch the candy bar on all sides. Then we had to create volcanoes by twisting the Milky Way. Next we had to make oceanic ridges and earthquakes and mountains. Once we were done with that we got to eat the Milky Way candy bar. It was really good.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
By Kelly K.

To day in class we made an Earth out of a Milky Way. To make the Earth we smashed, pulled, and twisted a Milky Way. After we made the Earth we had to identify the parts on it. The plates were chocolate, the magma was the nougat, the mountains   range was the chocolate pushed to gather, and volcanoes were chocolate pushed together with nougat coming out. It was assume.      

Milky Way plate tectonics
By: Amy K.

          Today in class we had an experiment on Milky Ways. We were seeing how plate tectonics work. So first we squished the Milky Way. Then we had to point to the magma, volcanoes, oceanic rigs, and the mountains. The caramel was the magma and the chocolate was the plates. After we were done with the experiment we had to clean up so all of us eat the delicious Milky Way earth. It was a fun experiment. 

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Jessa G.

Today we each got little Milky Way bars. We pulled them apart and then pushed them back together. We made Mountain Ranges and valleys in them. We had Carmel come out as magma and nougat as magma too. We had miniature earthquakes and volcanoes on our earth. There we eruptions and smashes every where. Our plate tectonics made out of chocolate moved together and then apart. It was fun and interesting to do this experiment and at the end we got to eat

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Emalee S.

          Today we did an experiment with plate milky way “fun size” tectonics. We made our own Earth’s. It was fun first we took it out of the candy rapper. Then we smashed the side of it and, the other side of it, and the bottom and the top. It was so cool we could see the volcanoes. After that we could see the caramel, and nougat lava erupting. We also could see the ranges, valleys, and the plat tectonics. It was tasty!!

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Daniel M.

Today in class we experimented with yummy delicious mouth watering scrumptious milky ways. We pretended that the chocolate was the plates, the caramel on the inside was lava, and the other stuff was the middle. The whole Milky Way bar was the earth. Fist we took it out of the rapper without damaging it. Then we started squishing it. Then we had to point out the plates, volcanoes, the valleys, oceanic ridge, and the mountains. After that we ate it was good. I liked that experiment.

Milky Way plate tectonics
Parker S.

First we got a Milky Way, and pretended it was the earth, and then smushed the sides and the top and bottom a little to make the chocolate plate tectonics. Then we pulled it apart and smushed it together a little. Then we pinpointed where a mountain range was, and where the caramel and nouget was erupting volcanoes. When we moved it, it was like a gigantic earthquake. Then after we were done we all ate the milky ways, they were tasty.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Jake F.

Today in class we used delicious Milky Way bars. We used them to pretend they were the earth to experiment on them. We pretended the outside chocolate was the plates, and the caramel inside was the magma. First we took the Milky Way bar outside its wrapper without breaking it then we took the side and squeezed it. The we twisted the other sides.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Quinn M.

In geography we got Milky Way chocolate candy bars. The candy bar was the Earth. We had to squish it together and pull it apart. The inside of the candy bar was magma coming out. The parts of the chocolate pushed together were volcanoes and mountains. The chocolate pieces that were spread apart was the oceanic ridge. Also the pieces that were rubbing together were earthquakes. At the end we ate the Milky Way’s and it was delicious.   

Milky Way plate tectonics
Michael E.

Today I did an experiment with a Milky Way candy bar. We made plate’s tectonics out of the chocolate. I also made the Carmel come out of the cracks like a volcanoes. I also moved it around and it termed into mountain range. I even smashed the plates together. It made earth quakes. It was fun at the end I ate the chocolate plates and the caramel magma.

Milky Way Plate tectonics
Sarah M.

          Today we took a Milky Way bar and made plate tectonics. All you have to do is gently push together and you make cracks which is the plate tectonics. There was magma which was the caramel and the nougat. It was a tasty earth that had earthquakes and volcanoes. We smashed it together and made eruptions. There were mountain ranges and that was the chocolate. The Milky Way bar was the plate tectonics on the earth. It was a lot of fun making the earth with the Milky Way.

Milky Way
J. C.

Today in class we did the Milky Way. First we got are Milky Way. Then  Crushed are Milky Way. To see volcanoes erupting and mountain ranges. We also saw magma. Then we got to eat are delicious and tasty milky Way. It was good.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Brandon B.

Today we did an experiment with Milky Way candy bars.  We did the experiment following plate tectonics. We would take the Milky Way bars and squish them. They would form volcanoes, earthquakes, magma, and mountains. The magma was the Carmel under the chocolate. The volcanoes were the pieces of chocolate hitting each other. The mountains were the pieces of chocolate that were rising higher than others. The earthquakes were the pieces of the candy bar that were moving when you would squish it. The oceananic ridge is where the lava comes from the ridge under the water.  The lava coming from the layer above ground is the volcano. The stuff that comes out is magma.


Mrs. Ramsey's
Main Page for 06-07




Milky way Plate Tectonics

 The chocolate moved together and apart. The chocolate was good.

Milky Way Plate Tectonics
Austin G.

Today I got to do an experiment with a milky way. We made the chocolate in to the plate tectonics. Also we made the caramel in to the magma; also we made some mountain ranges with it. The caramel was the eruptions to, we also called the Milky Way are earth. Then when we were done we got to eat it, very tasty.