Onekama Students Win 1st Place in Mystery Quest

The Onekama sixth and seventh grade students participated in an interactive learning activity involving many aspects of the geography of Europe and the Western Hemisphere to Celebrate Geography Awareness Week.

“Mystery Quest was great.” stated Clyve Lagerquist “We must thank Mrs. Lagerquist for all of her help!”

“It was fun and gave us a chance to interact with others in other places.” Megan Cronkhite replied.

“It was real reassuring to figure out the right mystery location.” Jim Kosiboski added.

“It was really awesome.” said Nathan Morrill.

“It was a wonderful and exciting project” Courtney Griswold stated with a smile.

“People learned new things.” Carmen Hayes commented

“It was a great experience because we learned a lot about other countries and found out that all countries are not like the U.S.A.” Scott McKeel.

“Learning about different cultures was cool because you got to find out about what other people do.” said Kelsey Acker.

Through videoconference technology, students were able to meet other students while learning about cities and countries in the world. Prior to the videoconference, Mrs. Ramsey's classes, with help from Mr. Peabody and Mrs. Warman, created iMovies that documented information about another country and city. They presented them through Distance Learning to schools in other parts of the state and nation. After taking excellent notes on other presentations, the students attempted to solve the mystery location using maps, the Internet, textbooks, and other resources. Both classes in both grades worked to complete the activity under a tight time constraint. The sixth grade classes finished in first and second place as did both sevent grade classes!