The Counselor's Desk

NETGAP PHASE I: Team Building

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Hula Hoop Pass

Ruth, Adrianna, Chad, Kayla, and Stephanie work hard to pass the hoop without breaking the circle while Mrs. Peabody looks on.


Adrianna, Chad, Kayla, 
Stephanie, Erica

Additional NetGap Links:


Team Building Chad Kayla.jpg (35753 bytes)

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More Teamwork Spreads

As we learn how to work with others

As groups we train

in the fun activity of

Tennis Ball Toss

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Brainstorming characteristics of what a Senior Citizen looks like

Left-Right: Erica S., Chris S.,   Ruth R., Stacey M.

Derek, Luke, and Stephanie  present their portrait of an older person.

Additional NetGap Links:

GRPR4a.JPG (19893 bytes)