Joleen commented, " I enjoyed meeting all the senior citizens. It was really fun."

Soup Troupe

Manistee County Council on Aging held a Senior Awareness Luncheon Day at the Manistee Armory October 18, 2000. Seniors were provided with information regarding special services available to them in our community. Onekama National Honors Society students and the Onekama Soup Troop students were invited to help serve the seniors. They served coffee & milk & smiles and helped with clean up. The Soup troop kids dressed in their clown garb handed out hugs and "I hugged a clown" stickers to any ready takers. It was an enjoyable experience for all.

Kayla Bates stated, "It made me feel great to be a part of helping the senior citizens of our community and to let them know we appreciated them. I wouldn't have missed this day for anything."

Kayla: "It was great to see all the senior citizens and to make them happy and to give them a smile."

Jordan: "I'm glad I had a chance to serve our senior citizens, to make them a little happier and give them a great day."

Nicole " I felt really good about myself because so many seniors asked me for a hug. I got to hug my grandma and grandpa and at first they didn't even recognize me. That was fun."

Soup Troupe: The Beginning

Soup Troupe Meets Mrs. Engler

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