Katy's Homepage

Hello, my name is Katy Xenakis. I have recently been hired to teach at Onekama Middle School. I graduated from Central Michigan University in December of 1999 with an Elementary Education Degree. I majored in Science and minored in geography. I enjoy camping, athletics, working out, and reading. I will be teaching 6th and 8th grade Social Studies and 7th grade science, as well as a fun exploratory, Middle School Connections. I will be coaching the Girls' Varsity Basketball Team, Go Portagers! If you can't tell, I LOVE hockey! Go Red Wings!!
Schools Attended:
Troy Athens High School 1990-1994

Schools taught at: (sub/midtier)

Fun Links!
Onekama's Middle School Water Project
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit News
Blue Mountain
Mail Me! , Mail me at Onekama


Katy Xenakis