News from the Middle


Middle School Exploratory Program: 2000-2001

At Onekama Middle School, we believe that "curriculum" is more than the content and skills covered in core academic courses. Rather, it is the sum of all parts of a student’s total educational program. Driven by this belief, the middle school teachers have developed an expanded exploratory program which will be piloted during the 2000-2001 school year.

This year, students in grades 6-8 will choose among the following exploratories: Current Events, Connections, Broadcast Communications, Newspaper, Literary Magazine, Career Prep for 8th graders, and Voc Tech for 7th and 8th grade students.

Through exploratory classes, students will engage in challenging, high-interest, integrated activities. Hands-on experiences will allow students to learn through engagement and interaction. Group efforts will emphasize student initiative and responsibility. The classes will build upon and utilize skills taught in core courses, supporting our belief that reading, writing, math, critical thinking, and other skills should not be taught in isolation, but applied in the context of real experiences.

We look forward to sharing with you the progress of our exploratory courses in newsletters throughout the school year.


Miss Xenakis

I am very excited to begin teaching at Onekama Middle School in the fall! I am really looking forward to an excellent year with some great students, parents, and a wonderful faculty. A general outline of Topics to be covered is provided below, however this is a tentative schedule and things may change as the school year progresses.

Topics to be covered:

6th Grade Social Studies-

The Middle East

-we will discuss and compare political systems

-locate countries

-discuss and compare economic and social situations, human rights issues

-compare the basic concepts of different major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

7th Grade Science-

Life Science: Plants, Animals, and Cells
Succession of an Ecosystem
Earth and the Universe
Geologic History of Earth
Energy Conversions
Matter—Introduction, Chemistry, and Structure
Nervous System

News Continued on Page 2