Gina Hagen, Onekama School Principal

Dear Parents and Students:

Recently we sent home demographic papers, technology use forms and other information pertaining to the school year.  If you have not returned your demographics paperwork please get it into the office as soon as possible.  In order to best know our students and to also be able to get a hold of a parent in an emergency we MUST have current information on all of our students.  

Parents if you could please remind your students that cell phones MUST be turned off during the school day.  If you need to get in touch with your student during the school day please call the student services office and we will relay a message to your child. 

Another reminder we have a closed campus during lunch time.  Students are to remain on campus during their lunch period. 

Below are some upcoming important dates:

  • October 7             Fall Pictures

  • November 7           End of First Marking Period

  • November 25         Parent/Teacher Conferences 5pm – 8 pm
                                STUDENTS DISMISS AT 12:30 pm

  • November 26         Parent/ Teacher Conferences 8am – 11
                                 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

If you have comments or concern please contact me at 231-889-5521 or by e-mail,

Gina Hagen
K-12 Principal

September 2008