Go Red for Women

(At tonight’s games, we are creating an awareness of Women and Heart Disease by our players wearing red socks and the upcoming light show.)

Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in America age 20 and over, killing approximately one woman every minute.  More women die of heart disease than the next four causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer.  While 1 in 30 deaths in women are due to breast cancer, about 1 in 3 deaths are due to heart disease. While 1 in 30 deaths in women are due to breast cancer, about 1 in 3 deaths are due to heart disease.  Women with heart disease are less likely to have typical chest pain but are more likely to have symptoms like:  severe weakness and extreme fatigue; pain in the jaw, back or neck; shortness of breath; nausea and vomiting.  Your chance of surviving a heart attack is highest if you are treated within the first hour of symptom onset.  Calling 9-1-1 is the almost always the fastest way to get lifesaving treatment.   

Ticket Takers - In Red!

Cake Raffle Time

The boys team wore Red Socks to support the Go Red for Women Campaign

www.onekama.k12.mi.us Serving Onekama School since 1997