The History of the Piņata

The Natives of Mexico would make clay pots in the shapes of their gods.  They would then break the pots with sticks and what came out were the "presents" from the gods. 

Originally the Aztecs would fill the pots with bead ornaments, colorful painted stones, nuts and berries. It was the Mayans who developed it into a game as they covered a player's eyes before hitting the piņata with a stick. 

Now days, piņatas are used during holidays and birthdays, but the symbology remains.  The piņata itself represents hope as it is placed high above the player's

  The stick represents righteousness that will conquer over the
evil/bad.  The goodies that are inside the piņata are the rewards for those that believe.
Onekama Spanish Students enjoyed the creative process, especially hitting the piņata with a stick and seeking their reward.
Link to Main Spanish Page for 2007-2008 Naomi Kolehmainen took these photos during her Spanish Class

Project accomplished during December 2007 & January 2008